Perfect life

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He sat down on his studying desk, with various pending documents to attend to

He scrolled through the files from the companies including the files from the Army College

Instantly Poppy entered into his room, with her nighties and a white bonnet for her hair

She rushed to him and hugged him from behind, and she pecked his neck and grinned hard

" Haven't I told you to knock before entering my room?" He asked

" And my replies has been capital letter " NO", you are my brother and it's not possible" She replied hugged him tightly

" You will choke me, let go" He said

Then she removed her hand  around his neck

" You are sometimes mean" She frowned and went to sit on his bed with her head bowed on her lap

He saw how she reacted, so he stopped his work and went to kneel down in front of her

" Sorry dear, I was somehow tired and I have many pending files and I was having a slight headache" He said

She rosed her head up immediately he finished his sentence, the look of worries appeared on her face

" Then you should have taken medication and rested, you have many employees why don't you give them the files, you don't have to do everything by yourself" She replied, and felt the temperature of his body but it was normal

" I have already taken some medicine, that is why my body is in it normal state, but I still feel some pain, but I will be okay and my employees are also busy with many things I'm just handling those files of the people I sacked" He responded

" And speaking of employees, I met Cindy today, the lady in those pictures on the news, her mother own a ice cream parlor, we went to buy ice cream and we met her, and she also got a new job, she is so kind and sweet and very pretty, her eyes was so charming" She said

" Hmmm, Actually I gave her the job, she will be the chief operation officer of our company and we bumped into each other today, she even thought I was stalking her and she is a troublemaker" He replied

" She is not, she is calm and friendly and I already love her, haven't you seen her eyes?" She asked

" That reminds me, her name " CINDY WHEELER "
sounds very familiar, she looks like someone I know before but I can't remember" He replied

" Really, maybe she is someone from your past I think, but I wish to see her again and that means I will come and greet your often at the office" She responded

" So just because of her you will come to my office but you never once came to visit me" He said

" You have been busy so I didn't come but she is there and you won't be busy anymore" She replied

" What do you mean I won't be busy anymore?" He asked

" Just wait and see I won't tell you, just get to know her and then things will be better" She replied

" Whatever, I need to sleep, I'm very sleepy" He responded and lay down on his bed

She switched off his light

" Sweet dream darling" She said and left his room

As he closed his eyes, he remembered when him and Cindy bumped into each other, he waved the thought and slept peacefully

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