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The resounding slap errantly cupped her over the ear, the air pressure blew a perfect hole into her eardrum

She felt a distinct blast of pain emanate from her left ear

Her left ear started ringing, she carried her ear with her left palm as tears poured down from her eyes

She was dumbfounded, her ears blocked

She couldn't hear anything, all she could hear was a bell ringing inside her ears

The audience watching could not say anything about it

They just stood there with their mouth shut

" Are you blind? Can't you watch your steps?" Natalie asked

" Can't you see how she looks, I'm sure she is one of those scholarships homeless fools, who thinks they own this place, her parents must be really poor, so they couldn't afford to buy her a recommended glasses because if she sees well, she won't have poured that cold bottled water on me, she is a definition of a hopeless loser, I can't even stand her, she looks miserable and disgusting, I need to sanitize my hands because of bacteria" Madison said

" Of course you are right people from the gutters ain't supposed to be here in this college, they are just like our waste bins, she even looks like a pig, she stinks like hell, I bet she hasn't bathe for days now" Natalie said covering her noise

" If you life, don't ever try this nonsense with me again or else I will make your life a living hell" Madison said and pushed the girl away to the fell

Natalie burst into laughter, while Madison smiled and they walked away

The girl stood up and rushed out of that vicinity

The audience went back to their respective classroom



Madison and Natalie walked into class together with smiles in their faces

" I'm sure they must have done something" Jack faced Mason

" Of course, they are the two demons in addition to Leo" Mason said

" Why must you involve me in any of your conversations, am I that bad?" Leo asked

Jack faced Mason and the both of them burst into a loud laughter which attracted the whole class

" Is something wrong? Why are you guys laughing?" Oliver asked

" Mind your fucking damm busy you this loser, they ain't friends with you so don't involve yourself in our matter, or else you will meet the same situation like last time" Leo snapped

Mason and Jack stopped laughing immediately

" Leo he was just asking a simple yesterday and it was not referred to you, so you are the one to mind your business" Poppy said

" They are my friends and he isn't our friend and can never be one of us so he could be the one to say out of our matters" Leo replied

" Who told you he is not our friend, or you just want to ignore the fact that we always stand by him anytime you misbehaves with him, so clearly we are friends with Oliver" Richard spoke up

" If you guys see him as your friend then you will have to choose between me and this poor thing" Leo said

" You know that is not possible we have been friends since childhood, we went to the same kindergarten, middle school and now here you can't make us choose can you see Oliver has done nothing wrong but you have been the one pestering him since the one day since he got here" Richard said

" Yes Leo, Ollie is not at fault here, you are the one to be blamed, you have always been a pain to many kids in our schools days, you cause them pains, which lead to some serious problems, you remember you broke a junior boy right hand with your cricket bat, you used a pin to wound a girls hands because she mistakenly poured a cold drink on you, a boy almost lost his eyes because of your recklessness, a junior boy was expelled because of you, you bullied many kids and ruined many lives because of your stupid ego" Richard added feeling angry

" You even made a girl clean the toilet with her barehands, you are so ruthless, you did so many bad deeds but you haven't stopped you still continue because you are from a rich family, those people never wanted to come from a poor family but they had no choice, I just want you to change, for everyone and your parents sake please be a better version of yourself" Mason said

" Yes Leo, please change so things will be alright" Poppy said

" Why should he change, he is not at fault, the people at fault are those poor stinking loser, who think they fit being here with us" Madison said

" Yes Maddy is right, Leo is right too, people like Oliver doesn't deserve to be here and we will make them suffer for the rest of their lives until they decide to leave our college" Natalie said

" Who called you guys to our conversations, you two are the witches of the east end, you are the worse version of angels, you think the poor can't get rich and you can't get poor in a twinkle of an eyes then you are the biggest fools have even seen" Jack replied

" How dare you call us fools, don't you know who are father is?" Madison asked

" And so your fathers owns companies doesn't means it can't be bought and your life's can go from being rich to a poor fools which you are" Mason replied

" Your ego will lead you to destructions soon, just wait and watch and back to Leo, we can't choose between you and Ollie the soon you get that the better for you" Richard said

Swiftly the next lecture begins after the lecturer walked in

They adjusted their seat properly and focus on their studies



His personal secretary knocked on the door

" Come in" Maxwell said, reading a file

His secretary entered and bowed down his head in respect

" So any information about the new employee?" He asked

" Yes boss, the interview starts tomorrow by  9AM on dots" The secretary replied

" That's good to hear, I will not be around, I need to sort something in the other companies, so stand in for me" He responded

" Okay boss your wish is my command" The secretary assured him

" That is fine, tell the other employees to be in their good behaviors, and that is all for today you may go" He said

" Okay boss, have a nice day" The secretary replied

Bowed his head before he left his office

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