Time flies

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After the end of their lectures, The physics teacher bids them farewell and a good night wish, then left the class

The students packed their bags, and they left for their various destinations one after the other

Oliver said goodbye to Poppy and others except Leo who stormed out without waiting for his friends

" Don't mind him, he will be alright" Adam said

" Sure, but I don't want him to hate me more than he does because you guys stood up for me when he insulted me" Oliver replied

" Friends fights so it is fine and have a good day" Jack said

" See you tomorrow buddy" Mason beamed at Oliver, who shyly smiled back

" Good bye Richard" Oliver said, while Richard nodded

" See you buddy" Jack said and left with the others

Poppy packs her books, neatly into her bag, and was about to leave, then Richard quickly obstructed her view

" What are you doing? She asked looking at him

" I just wanted to see if you are okay" He replied

" As you can see I am pretty much okay" She said, walking forward but she was put to hold by Richard again

" I'm not done talking" He said

" I don't want to talk to you and you perfectly know the reason why so please stop bothering me and move out of my way" She replied

" But I want to talk to you, and we have to discuss" He said

" Must I keep repeating myself each time that my brother doesn't want to see you with me likewise yours" She replied

" I don't care about my brother and you should not listen to yours too" He responded

" You can't tell me what to do, I own my life and I will do whatever my family wants" She said

" For how long? Your brother and mine are just the same

Poppy cut him off immediately

" My brother and yours ain't the same and you know that so stop being so blind to the truth" She replied and walked off

" Why do I always make her angry? I behave crazy sometimes" He shook his head

He sat down for a while, then he stood up and left



Cindy got out of the public bus looking tired and went straight into the parlor

When she got in her mom had a few customers so she went quickly into the washroom

She sat down on the WC for her while because it was a tiresome day at the store

She flushed the toilet, close the door, wash her hands with antiseptic soap and rinsed it gently, then she rubbed her hands with a tissue which she threw into the dustbin as she was about to leave

When she got out, it was only remaining a customer whose orders were still pending, she just quietly sat at the customer side and waited for her mom

After a few minutes, her mom was done, her mom went to the doorstep and swiped the < OPENED > To ~ CLOSED ~

" I can see you are exhausted, I made your favorite ice cream flavor" Her mom said

Cindy quickly junked up with a smile on her face

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