Tension arises

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How did I wake up late? Why did I forgot to set the alarm yesterday, today will be a busy day at the store and I am not there yet, today will be my first time of being late to the store, Jeez,
this is so pathetic" She said while walking to the bus stop

She got to the bus stop, sat down and waited for a while but no buses showed up, then she checked her time

" Fuck, it's already late, the buses would have gone back to the bus station, and I don't have enough cash to order a cab, and to make things worse my bicycle wheels is wobbly" She said with a frown on her face

She stood up, pacing around looking for what  to do

Suddenly a white Lamborghini splashed a stinking dirty water on her dress, she screamed out in anger

" Are you blind" She yelled but the car kept moving, then an idea came into her mind, she smiled

She quickly opened her bag, took her catapult with a stone, which she usually use to make the bullies pay for their deeds, she swiftly positioned it well and immediately strikes the stone against the back glass of the car

She beamed after hitting the car with the stone

" Next time you won't try this nonsense with me" She smirked, looking at her stained clothes

The car stopped immediately it got hit

" Boss I think someone threw a stone at the glass" The driver said

" Of course I know, How dare! Reverse the car immediately I must teach that brat a lesson" The boss said

The driver reversed the car back to the front of Cindy

The boss wind door the car window at behold it was Maxwell

" How dare you, do you know what damage you have done? Do you know how much this car cost? Maxwell asked

" I can ask you the same as well, Do you know how much I got this dress?" She questioned

" This is bullshit, I'm talking about my car, you are talking about your damm clothes" He replied

" You ruined my clothes with this stinking water, and you couldn't even apologize you just drove off, so that serves you right" She responded, pointing at the big pothole in her front

" Do you know who I am?" He asked

Then she took her bag, opened her pause, took out the cash she had in her pause and checked looking at his face

" You ain't even drawn on the currencies I have at hand, so how will I know you" She replied

" Just get lost" He said and wind up his car window and the driver drove off

" My day have been ruined from the beginning and now my dress stinks so badly" She said covering her nose

Thankfully, her moms parlor is just five minutes walk away from here

She decided to walk there faster, because people will make fun of her and they might think she is mad

She cursed him for putting her into a tight spot



" You should have told me, if I knew you splashed a dirty water on someone then I wouldn't have spoke so rudely to her, you should have drove more carefully, she must be really embarrassed in those dress" Maxwell said

"I'm sorry boss, there was a big pothole at the bus stop" The driver replied

" And so, you should have drove with caution, I'm not worried about what she did because she was so angry, Just drop me at my office and get the car repaired" He said

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