part-1 :()

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Vaggie is jealous lol

Y/N was just working as always because they were too many sinners when he heard his name being called from his dad's office.
Yes dad? What do you need.
well Lucifer just called me and we have an important business meeting in 10 minutes so get ready he's waiting.
Ok then.

8 minutes later

Okay dad let's go.
Great hold me hand
Okay lol weird though.

Who cares .

but I can go there myself

Shutup *then both of you teleport to the front of Lucifer's palace*

Ok let's go in. your dad said.

Then Lucifer says out of nowhere - ah Dante and his son Y/N.
Such a pleasure to meet you.

Hello so uhmm why do you need my son?

Well you see my daughter is making a hotel called the.....happy hotel.
And we need someone to help her run it and no one agrees with it because they think rehabilitating sinners is a stupid Idea even I think that too.

Well I think it's a great idea. You said.

Well then great you help Charlotte run that hotel of hers and watch her pls. You see even if I hate her idea I still care for her so watch her carefully you know how sinners are here in hell.

Okay I will be glad to do it.

Very good then I will teleport you there immediately I have tell her that someone important will be visiting her.Dante you can leave now don't worry nothing will happen to your son.

Ok.... bye then.

Ok Y/N let's go now shall we?

Yeah sure.

*Time skip to the hotel*

Alright were here just go in and meet her she will know what to do I will he leaving now .bye.

You then walked into the hotel
When you saw Charlie.


Oh gosh calm down your Charlotte right?


Well I am your new business partner here then and I am here to help you with anything you need.
Ok then let me introduce you to my other works and we have one Person staying at our hotel already.
Ok that's fine with me.
That's vaggie,Alastor,Angel dust,Nifty and husk.
Wow it's such a pleasure to meet you all it is indeed Charlie have you been receiving any new guests at your hotel.
No they all think it is a stupid Idea.
Well I have never heard God say anything about this thing called rehabilitation especially people rehabilitating from hell,but we could still try and know if this works but i am certain that it may not work since this is their punishment for being sinners on Earth.
Really you would help us try this idea and waste your time?.
Yes indeed now I would like to take a tour of this hotel bye now.

As you were walking you heard footsteps and they were coming closer to you.
You then turned around and saw Angel dust smirking at you.
Ughhh why are you following me.
Well why would I ignore something just so HOT.
Uhmm I.. w-wait are you a man or a woman your body says woman and you voice....

Well I am a man and I can show you by pulling down my pant..

OK OK No need to do that I already know heh.  You laughed nervously.
Angel dust then smirks and says well then I can offer you my services if you don't mind for free usually I make people pay me but for you hot stuff, everything is for free.

What do you mean by services?
Well why don't we go to my bedroom and find out.
HELL NO bye. You said running away blushing.
Leaving a smirking angel.

You ran back to Charlie and asked her where you room was.

You arrived at your room and collapsed on your bed tired.

  Well this is gonna be one heck of a journey.
Also I am not interested in men, I should probably tell Angel dust later.

672 words
Sorry the first chapter is short the others will be longer just this one that is short.
Also I haven't said it yet but this is a reader X cherri bomb as well. So you will like Cherri bomb when you meet in a few chapters.

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