Part 8-(●♡∀♡)

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* bang the door opens widely*

All the overlords including you all turned around to find out the source of this noise.
You all then turned around to see VELVET!?. Wait then we're is vox and Valentino aren't they overlords as well or maybe they forgot?. You questioned yourself.

You were kind happy that you were able to see velvet  again.

Velvet then walks in and is talking in the phone and she mentioned vox name so I guess she's talking to vox.
(Yeah no shit sherlo-)
After she finished her call on the phone she sat down. Carmilla spoke "will you ...... colleagues be joining us today?".
"Nah they got better things to do than to listen to a bitch who thinks she's tough shit, so yeah they are not coming to this dump".velvet said bringing her phone forward facing Carmilla.
I was sitting right next to velvet.(lets just imagine there was a chair right next to her and you were sitting on it)
You were able to see that she was using a poo? Filter on her that is so childish, lol but funny.

Velvet then looked at me and noticed I was looking at her phone and blushed.
"Oops sorry didn't know you would be annoyed I was looking at your phone"
(Yeah no one wants people to see their phone dummy).

" yeah yeah shut up". She said hiding her face from me.

Velvet POV

Ughh what is he doing here first he was at the tower now he's here he makes me embarrassed. Hmm now is the perfect time to bring out the little suprise.


As Carmilla was talking velvet raised her hands up and we all looked at her.

"On the subject of discussion" she said throwing an exterminator angels head.
"Oh shit" on of the girls I saw with Carmilla said.
"Tasty"alastor said-of course.
Wait how did velvet get that was she able to kill and exterminator angel how is that even possible?.
" where did you get that" Carmilla said looking serious.

"Well in the last extermination I was you know driving through the streets of hell and I found this, now the game has changed if we are able to kill this mother fuckers we will be able to win. We can start a war with heaven and since we are a lot we have a chance of winning we and the boys are already planning this".
Velvet said .
Then suddenly zestial started sipping his tea loudly that everyone turned to him annoyed.(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ').

"If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war, which such meagre proof,thou art far more foolish than I be thought".

Velvet the spoke up."meagre proof? That's a dead fucking exorcist I'd say that's fucking definitive or you going blind old man?".

(After that long talk because writing zestial is so hard).

"What's the matter fossil? Too senile to make a power grab for-"


Here it goes with another song what's wrong with everyone and singing a lot.


You just sat there watching the scene unfold.
Then there was this part of the song that got your attention. Surprisingly you were listening.
When velvet said that Carmilla was getting angry when she brought out the head of the angel and she thinks that she's has something to do about it.

After the whole song Carmilla ended the meeting.velvet left the place that was a pretty quick meeting.

"That was a productive meeting"
Oh shut up Alastor.
"Sorry that had to happen I don't know what kind of child she is but don't worry prince we will still try to find out how to end the extermination"Carmilla said and
she left.

Everyone also left.
It was you alastor and that egg boi that followed you guys that was left.
Alastor then looked at were Carmilla, zestial and those two girls were going to and then looked at the egg boi.

"Follow them and tell me everything that happens"
"YES BOSS!" The egg boi said running to were they were.

"You sure that's a good Idea alastor?".
You said looking at Alastor.
"Certainly we might get some juicy Information from it too , now let's head back downstairs and wait for the little eggy".

You both headed downstairs and awaited for the egg boi to arrive.

As you were waiting you saw velvet standing there and screaming at someone sitting inside a limo that was smoking.
You walked over to were velvet was.

"Velvet? I thought you left already"
"Well what do you see do you think I left or am I invisible In your eyes"she said looking annoyed.

"Well no need to be that mean hmm and I see you got a bit of an issue there".

"Yeah what does it look like dumbass and I am calling the stupid shits that is supposed to come fix the car but they aren't even here.". you looked at the car and knew what to do. When you were younger your father had thought you many things like fixing of cars if it was broken down and other mechanical stuff.

"I know what I can do to help just if you want me too".
Velvet just looked at you and said it was okay that I can do whatever as long as it makes her leave.

You walked over to car and started working on it and few minutes later you were done with it.
"There here we go I think it should work now, say can I get your number and maybe we can meet up so we can get to know eachother".you said looking at her.

"Fine but I am only doing this because you helped me". Or something els-.
"Here is my number don't bother me now shoo I need to get back to work".

With that she drove off.
You walked over back to Alastor. You saw the egg bois in the trash Ew.
Then the egg boi that Alastor sent came back down.
"So what happened in there" Alastor said questioning the egg boi.

"Well the old guy ask the knife lady saying something was wrong and the knife lady killed an angel and she was like whatever it takes" lol.

"Wait what was that second part?"
"That the knife lady killed an angel"

"Now let's keep this little secret between you me and Y/N S҉H҉A҉L҉L҉ W҉E҉?"

"Yes boss!"the egg boi said saluting.

"Wow so it was Carmilla who killed the angel so what are we gonna do with the secret?"

"Well we just wait for the perfect moment to spill it out you never know when it will be needed".
"Ok let's head back I am getting kinda tired".
"Sure". Then you alastor and all the eggs teleported to the front door of the hotel.

You all walked in and saw all of them looking like they had some fun.

"Couldn't get them away? I see". Vaggie said from where she was.
"Well this little monsters actually turn out to be useful." You walked over to angel. "Looks like you guys had fun I had to stay at a meeting".

"Yeah it was we had to fight people and a guy with a dismembered hand started to beat up pentious it was hilarious". angel dust said laughing.

"Yeah it wassssn't nice"sir pentious said.

"Okay then I will be heading upstairs now".
"Oh and Y/N thx for the free kiss" angel dust said smiling.

"Wait wha-"
"Anyways Y/N make sure to be ready tomorrow it will be a very busy day".
"Oh okay" I was suddenly teleported to my room I did not even get to ask angel what he meant by free kiss I did not remember kissing him anyways I will just go to bed now.

1328 words

I will be updating let's say every monday, Thursday, and sunday how does that sound?

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