Part 4- :#

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This chapter is not gonna be from episode 3 but the next might be, but from now on you guys will be making decisions at the end of some chapters that will determine what will happen in the next chapter.

As I was getting ready to head downstairs because I had to meet
Alastor so he can help me I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in".
But nobody came inside I then opened the door and no one was there....

"Well I just wanted to remind you about our little training to see what other power you have...maybe I can use it to my advantage." He mumbled the last part.

"What was that?".
"Oh nothing but you have to follow me,Charlie has something to tell us".

You then followed behind.

"There you guys are I have to discuss about the extermination and how we're gonna survive it". Charlie said worryingly.

"Don't worry Charlie everything is going to be fine".

"Alright take a seat so you know how the extermination is coming in 6 months and were not prepared yet, we haven't even redeemed anyone yet this is gonna be bad".Charlie said hyperventilating.

"Don't worry let's just keep giving them more exercises and maybe they will be redeemed in no time".
"Y/N is right just keep making do good things and they will okay. Plus Me and Y/N has something to do".

And with that both me and alastor disappeared.

"So Y/N show me the powers you have first".

" well I can summon my dragons when ever I want that was the first one I learnt watch". Then a portal opened and all 3 of the dragons fell down."look isn't it cool and I can also do this". An portal opened on the ground and then a giant shark mouth came out and tried to eat what was there.

"Ok go back now, there are also some few other powers I know like I can summon an angelic sword whenever I want and shoot out fire and uhmm-"

"No need to explain anymore little boy for I can see your past through this book and maybe it can help us with your powers". He then summoned a book

'the history of Dante and purgatory'

"Wait that book and that's my dad name.
The history of purgatory??.."

"Yes little boy when I found out where you were from I had to go searching for this book in the library haha it has some of Dante's power written down here maybe you exhibit the same so we are gonna test it out". He said smirking.

"Wait what".you grabbed the book from his hand and took a closer look at it.
"Woah let's begin now I can't wait this will be so exciting".you said excitedly.

(This powers are just made up by me so none of this is real or maybe it is).

"So it says here that he is able to freeze people In place with just a snap of a finger, I am gonna bring someone quickly to test this powers on".

He disappeared and came back with husk.
"Wait what the fuck where am I ?."
Husk said still holding his booze.
"Well Y/N here wants to test his powers here and I decided why don't we test it on you".he said pointing at husk.
Husk eyes just widened. "Are you out of your fucking mind I'm not gonna do this bullshit I ain't gonna die today, seeya fuckers 🖕."

"Well I am sorry to say this husker but you have no choice and you have to do i-"
"No it's okay if he doesn't wanna do it cause I might risk killing him so we will test it on maybe......that guy over there the one trying to eat that baby".you said pointing at the random demon that is trying to eat a mother's baby.

"Well okay then" then alastor disappeared and reappeared with the demon in hand.

"Shut the fuck up" husk said drinking his booze.

"Hello little man I brought you here cause we're gonna test powers on you, next time don't try to eat someone's baby okay?" And with that Alastor put the demon in place and told me to snap my fingers so the demon will stop running and I did.
" Woah the demon is just frozen in place".
"That is an extraordinary power you have there you can just freeze people at will ha ha ha truly entertaining".

"Good thing I ain't that demon" husk said  still drinking his booze.

"Woah that was actually pretty cool I'm gonna go test it out on random demons now haha".you said running outside of the hotel.

Meanwhile at the vees tower......

" so he can freeze people this is gonna be great as soon as he joins us we will be unstoppable haha."he then watched as you ran out side of the hotel.
"Oh I can't wait for him to arrive here"

" and I can't wait to offer him some of job opportunities".

:/ " shut up Val we need him for his power soon Alastor will be begging at my feet and the vees will take over all of hell * evil laugh* so how is Angel doing?"

" oh he said he will be coming soon with him". Valentino replied chatting in his phone with angel dust.

"Well then good I still have plenty of time".

Back to you..

After I finished having fun with my newly found power alastor told me I should come back tomorrow for more learning.
Then angel dust came to me.

" oh hey angel what do need?"

"Oh~ I just need you"angel said.
"No thanks say right you needed me to follow you somewhere right so when are we leaving?"
"Oh uhmm we are leaving in 5 minutes" angel said as his phone was vibrating endlessly with messages.
"What is wrong with your phone is anyone messaging you?"
" no not at all you know what let's go now I don't want to keep him waiting."he said nervously.
"Ok ...." you said suspicious of his actions.' This is weird angel is usually flirty now he's nervous again something is going on should I follow him or not'.....

Choose one
a) follow Angel
b) do not follow angel

1080 words.the next chapter will be written according to what you chose so I will be waiting.

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