Part 12-👼

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Today charlie and vaggie are going to heaven. I hope they come back successfully.

As I was sitting on the lobby's couch angel dust came into the hotel very angry.

"What's wrong?".I asked.
"Everything... Val made me work for so long I am so tired. Now if you excuse I am going to pass out on this couch." Angel dust said falling face first on the couch.

"What the?"
"What the fuck is going on with that wall?" Angel dust said.

An unknown voice called from the explosion.

"WOHO CHERRI BOMB??" Angel dust shouted sitting straight up.
"Angie you have been texting me depressing shit all day cmon let's get out of here".

Then Charlie came downstairs and told her to take all of us as well and handed lots on money.

Then the portal to heaven opened.
Charlie carried vaggie and threw inside.

Sir pentious came down and was asking cherri what was he gonna wear but cherri just squished his hand and he BLUSHED??!!.

Wow he's got a crush.
While I just sat there with reading glasses reading 'how to tame idiots
This book was originally made to tame Angel dust.... by valentino.'
I don't know why but I just found this book in the library.

Cherri looked over at me. "And who's this hottie will you be following us".

"I suppose I have nothing else to do" you said throwing the book away and followed them.

We arrived at this place called consent and I remembered clearly that this was a sex club.
But I was too bored to even care.

"Not gonna lie consent is a good name for a sex club" husk said holding a drink.
He wasn't wrong though.

"You know Val right he's int this waterboarding shit now...... it's a kink". Angel dust said looking depressed.

Isn't that some torture thing I don't know.

"Angie baby stop with the depressing shit and take this you will feel much better". Cherri said handing Angel dust some drugs.

"Don't do it" you said sternly, staring at your 🍷.

"Yeah if you want to fuck up your progress to go to heaven then be my guest". Husk said looking at him disappointed.

"You both should stop being such a buzz kill geez."
"Miss bomb I would like to buy you a shot". Pentious said holding two shots.

"Because.......I am buying everyone a shot haha"..
"Yay we love alcohol" the crowd screamed.
"You know what bring it here". Angel dust said taking in the shot. While me and husk just rolled our eyes....

They had bought so many shots and everyone was getting drunk . Nifty was going crazy she was drunk.
She was about to take another glass until angel dust took it and gave it to me. Hey husk need another one I said handing husk the drink.

"I don't drink much so I'm gonna give you" you said handing the drink to husk.

You saw nifty running into the crowd as husk , cherri and angel were talking about how Valentino was here.

I then turned to where nifty ran and saw Valentino there.
I spat what ever I was drinking and told them nifty was going to Valentino.

Angel dust ran after nifty. But Valentino saw him.

"Angie~ I knew you couldn't get enough of dick today". Valentino said looking at him and then nifty.
"And who's this you brought fresh meat?".
"Let me have a taste." Nifty said trying to bite Valentino.
"Hmm I'm sure there's a kink for that".

"Fuck off Val" angel dust said getting up.
While we all stood there watching the scene unfold. Wait where is alastor.....

"I said fuck off" angel said once again to Valentino only to be slapped across the face after they were talking about his contract.

I ran over to angel.
"Angel are you okay??." He was bleeding through his nose.
"I'm fine.."

"N/N darling~ I will be seeing you".

I just looked at Val in disgust and picked up angel so we can leave.
"Hehehe for my collection*laughs like gremlin* wait up guys" nifty said holding a piece of Valentino's fur.

We were all heading back to the hotel cherri left to her  home as we were going. And what does Val mean he will be seeing me I am not going back there that prick .

We all awaited for vaggie and Charlie to arrive from heaven.

I went over to husk. Time to bitch it to the bartender.

"Husk I need to tell you something".

"Of course everyone wants to bitch it to the bartender".husk said smirking.

"So yesterday I had this weird dream and it felt so real like I lost all my powers and this two unknown figures were standing above me. I was limp on the chair I was sat on I couldn't even move I wasn't even tied up.
Then one of the figures hit me and I stood up from the feeling THE PAIN in real life on my face like I was feeling the pain and nobody was in my room". I said looking at husk scared.

Husk just looked at me with wide eyes.
"Here I'mma show you I was wearing a hoodie to cover the mark the hit had done." I took off the hoodie and there was a bright red slap on my face.

"What the fuck how is that possible??!!". Husk looked at me worriedly.
"And I don't want the others to know so they won't be worried". I
Said putting the hoodie back on.

"Like some kind of vision?"husk said.
"Yeah I do have visions at times but they are usually good I am not sure about this"
"Well let's hope it ain't real kid".

The the portal opened up again and Charlie and vaggie came flying out. While Charlie just ran up to her room she as she landed.
" What's wrong? What happened" I said looking at vaggie.

"I have something to tell you all" vaggie said looking at all of us.
We  all went over to the couch and sat down.

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