Part 5 - :(

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a) follow angel.

   I chose to follow angel. He told me we were going to his work place. I was really excited to see where angel works at.

" alright you ready to go?" Angel dust spoke out with nervousness.

You took angel's hand and told him to think of the place so you guys could Teleport there, and he did so and you guys arrived at the-

" Angel I am not going in there I don't wanna see people doing that".

" no no it's not here exactly we have to follow the elevator to where it is" angel dust took your hand and dragged you quickly to the elevator and tapped on number 69. 'Hmm that reminds me where   is egg boi number 69 I haven't seen him since my dragons arrived I think they ate.... him oh wel.'

You and angel dust arrived at your destination.

"So we have arrived just act normal ok?"angel dust said about to knock on the door that had a giant V on it.
"What do you mean act normal I literally act normal everyday??!!!"

" well........ I don't know".
" meh meh meh meh meh meh meh shut up"you said angrily but got over it and angel dust knocked on the door.

"Come in Angel cakes" a voice came from behind the door. Angel twisted the door knob slowly and then opened the door hesitantly. And then he came in with me behind then looked up to see a really tall man maybe like 11 inches or something and he was wearing heart shaped glasses and a coat and he was drinking coffee with a mug that said 'pimpin not simpin'.
He kinda looks like a pimp not gonna lie and you looked behind him to see the same guy you saw on television on chapter 3- I mean yesterday with my walk with alastor but now I can get a closer look at him once again not that suprised he had a television for a head, he was wearing a blue cloth that kinda looks like Alastor's kinda. He had a weird looking eye on his left and he was wearing a hat that had a WiFi symbol on it.

" angel baby I thought you wouldn't bring him something bad should have happened". He said walking towards angel dust and holding him by his cheeks pinching it.
'Wow this guy gives me bad vibes I am more interested on the TV guy I think his name is vox'.
" so now that he is here. Vox? Why don't we start. So let me start by introducing my self my name is Valentino but you can call me Val". He grabbed my hand. And I thought he was about to shake but he brought out his tongue and I removed my hand quickly. "Nope".

" ok then since you don't want me to treat you like a guest I guess you can introduce your self now." He said looking at vox.
" My name is vox I know you've probably heard of me before taken that I am very popular here in hell. But you can call me vox". He said sarcastically at the last part.

"Well then let me introduce myself too *clears throat* my name is Y/N pleasure to be meeting you vox and Val now I see why you guys are called the vees but I want to first know why you have asked angel to bring me to your.. fine establishment and also how did you know about me coming here?".

Vox began to speak." Well we brought you here to discuss something even though we just met and don't worry about us knowing how you got here and all that shit". Looks at angel dust.
"Valentino pls can you tell your little pet to leave the room so we can continue our discussion".

" ah~ I almost forgot you were here angel cakes pls exit the room quietly"Valentino said annoyingly.

" WAIT no I don't want to be alone in a room with two people I just met Like few minutes ago I don't know what could happen" you weren't actually scared you just felt safer around angel dust presence.valentino just glared at angel and he lowered his self.
"But this is very important and we don't want people spreading this we don't want angel dust hearing this, so please kindly leave".vox said sternly.
And with that Angel dust left the room.They both turned to you.
"Now let's get to the fucking". Valentino said.
"Shut the fuck up we are not here for that Val, we are here to ask you Y/N if you wanted to join the vees.i know it's a big ask but with how powerful you are the vees will be unstoppable and then we can rule over hell together".vox said.
"Wait what but uhmm I already have a place to rule my own kingdom. Why would I want to rule hell isn't that Lucifer's Job and he would get mad if I tried that".Y/N replied.

Valentino looked at you and got closer he started rubbing your back.
"You look stressed why don't I take you up stairs and we can-.  "NO"
Valentino just squinted his eyes at you and asked you if you wanted a drink and you agreed.
"Well then would you like a drink maybe a chill one to cool you down"Valentino said leaning down at you.
"Sure I would like a drink. Do you have
(Favourite drink) here I would like that."

"Of course I can give you"Valentino then looked at vox who was glaring evilly and he called a robot named kitty.
"KITTY!! Come here and come give our lovely guest something to drink. What did you say you wanted again Y/N."Valentino said questioning you.

"Uhmm (favourite drink) pls". You said answering him back.Then kitty came back with the drink and gave it you and you thanked her or the robot, I don't know.then you drank just a little sip and you started feeling woozy and then you blacked out there.

1023 words.

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