Part -3 :/

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This chapter will be like episode 2 radio killed the video star but you don't meet velvet yet.i also noticed in the last chapter it did not show the picture with vaggie jealous so here it is.

Ever since sir pentious arrived he has been acting weird. And he also has this weird watch that he has been talking to but I don't care that much though.

Hello tiny prick- I mean friends I have some special friends I want to show you.

Ohhh who is it?.Angel said.
"Say hello to Ichi, NI, San".

The 3 blood thirsty dragons.. came out and flew to the cast.


"Well the one wearing only a hat is San, the one with a suit only is Ni and the last one with a hat and a suit is Ichi".you said leaning close to Charlie saying, "don't tell them but San is my favourite".

"Okay I have introduced you guys to them why don't you guys introduce yourselves, don't worry they understand people".

"Ok my name is Charlie, this is vaggie that is Angel dust the white spider.
Uhm that's husk the bartender, nifty the janitor and sir pentious the slippery special snake". Charlie quickly spoke.

"Wait where's Alastor he better not be out there causing havoc and not doing his job." Vaggie said angrily.

Radio static started to fill the air. Then suddenly a voice spoke from behind us.

"Well I'm right here, vagatha don't jump into conclusions like that I was just getting ready to go to the tailor some rats has been eating through my coats.
Anyways what are this are they a new addition to my world of entertainment." Alastor said.

"Well this is my pet dragons , Ichi ,NI ,San say hello to Alastor".

The dragons just stood here staring at alastor.

"Seems they haven't taken a liking to you but don't worry they will warm up to you eventually oh and can I follow you to wherever your going I want to explore hell for a while.Y/N said.

"Of course you can let's go shall we"

"Y/N before you go I wanna take you somewhere tomorrow morning ok?" Angel dust said nervously.

"Of course no need to be nervous"

And the you and alastor went on a walk to the tailor's place.
You looked around seeing all the mess and gore the people of hell are even so people doing IT with windows wide open you were about to vomit. 🤮🤮🤮🤮.you then saw people watching TV with their eyes looking weird you just ignored and continued your walk with alastor.

"I see looks like we're almost there Y/N but before we reach there I want to ask a lot about you like why you decided to come to hell, why your helping princess Charlotte and how powerful you are."

"Well you see I came here because my dad told me too heh and he said I was chosen too so I don't know, I am uhmm helping Charlie because I believe that sinners can be redeemed and also because I have no choice and I don't know if I am that powerful but I have some insane powers, what If I show you the ones I have learnt maybe tomorrow".

"Yes oh I can't wait and maybe I can help you figure some powers out, anyways looks like we have arrived".

We walked inside and as we were waiting for the tailor to finish we heard someone singing 'now his medium is getting bloody rare'.

We walked out side and saw a man with a TV for a head wow. I can't be surprised hell does have some pretty insane shit.

Alastor just chuckled and we both teleported back to the hotel and we were inside his little radio station that was on top of the hotel side.then he began singing.

'salutations good to be back on the air'.

As they were both singing I just watched in amusement I brought out my phone to see vox and wow he's going to lose lol.

'He'll be powerless without the other vees.'

Ooo that's gotta sting.
Then alastor was turning into his demon form which was low-key cool not gonna lie and then it ended.

"Wow alastor that was so cool who is that guy anyways and why do you hate eachother.

"Oh just some loser named vox but there's no need to worry that
Your pretty little head let's just head downstairs with the rest."he said patting my head.


We then walked down to hearing angel dust and pentious fighting. As I was about to go and see what was wrong Alastor told me to sit back and watch the whole situation fold.

Charlie and vaggie then walked in and started singing a very cheesy turns out pentious was working for that vox guy that Alastor hates.

When they left Alastor went in there.
"Your gonna have to try better than that old pal"
"Aaaa" vox screamed from inside the watch.

"Well that was something"
"Yes very true my fellow let's head to the rest shall we".

Meanwhile in the vees tower .......

"Ughhhhh we gotta think quick Alastor is back and he might strike a deal with Lucifer's little brat If we don't do anything and maybe also Y/N."vox said clearly annoyed.

"Wait who's Y/N" velvet said.

"Well he's this new hottie that just arrived at there hotel and he's the prince of purgatory imagine how powerful we will be if he joins us and maybe one day I can bang him.valentino replied.

" yeah we have been watching them and we have actually made a plan , Valentino is gonna force Angel dust to bring Y/N here so we can make a deal with him before alastor tries anything and when we do we all will become the most powerful demons in hell" vox said laughing evilly.

Back to you... wait not you.

Angel dust POV

I can't believe I have to bring Y/N to meet them ..... but I have no choice.valentino is gonna kill me if I don't.
Wait how did they even know about Y/N maybe pentious said something about them after all he was here to spy on us in the beginning. *Sigh* I'm sorry Y/N but I have no choice.........

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