Part 6 :'(

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I did not know what I was thinking but we have done it. We drugged the prince of purgatory and he is laying down on the floor of our office.i did not know the drug would do this I thought it would just make him listen to us and he just blacked out.
Me and Val were thinking of a plan to get an allaby.
After hours of thinking we came up with one.valentino told angel dust to leave the studio.Angel kept asking about Y/N but Valentino just slapped him across the hall and told him that he is safe with us. And angel left.we took Y/N downstairs and put in a nearby trash can and ran away.we waited and waited and waited for him to wake up and finally he did.
"Ughhhhh what just happened" we heard groaning from the trash can we put Y/N in. And then we came out of our hiding spot and walked around like we didn't know  where he was.
"OMG Y/N WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU" Val said screaming in worry. Wow Valentino is good at acting not gonna lie.then I thought of something and said, "yeah a weird shadow came out no where hit you in the head and took you away while you were drinking and we were so worried I did not know what that shadow could have done to you but we beat up the guy but he hid you here, so after we finished beating him up we went to search for you". 'wow I don't even know if that fake story was believable but many things can happen here in hell so he might actually believe us'.

Then I heard what I was expecting.
"OMG then thank you guys for saving me then something bad could have happened if you didn't beat him up for someone I just met you guys actually care for me.".  'wait a minute haven't he heard of how bad we are oh yeah he's not from here because we do bad-bad things heh and he believed why story without hesitation how stupid is he?'.

"Well so then I still wanted to ask the question will you be joining the vees we vees protect each other like this we are loyal to eachother so it's a lost if you don't join us because people out there are literally killing themselves to join us".I said pulling him out of the trashcan.

"Well I might consider joining you guys you guys are actually nice so I will be thinking and maybe I will come up with my answer you just have to be patient".

'Oh come on I want it now I am not patient but I shouldn't rush his so he won't change his mind'.
"Sure as long as your quick enough.say, why don't we being you inside to have a shower because that trash made you stink peeeyooo". I said grabbing him and carrying him inside.
We put him In a shower and game him everything he needed. Valentino wanted to meet into the shower multiple times but I just hit him across his bald head.
We left the room to go do something as he showered.


Wow those guys are actually nice should I actually join them or is something up I am not sure but maybe I might not join them. *Door squeaks open* someone is at the door maybe is just Valentino but I still had to ask.
"Hello? U-uhm who's there?".I asked.

"Well I should be asking you, who you are and why your using our shower". Someone spoke in a British accent.

"Well uhm Valentino and vox told me to use it since I was in the trash". I spoke the shower glass so foggy from the heat that I can't even look outside and I am not planning to so the lady out there won't see me.

"Well then I will go ask them who the fuck you are because you might just be some rando who snuck in and  is using our shower". Then I heard the door close and I quickly got out put some clothes on and awaited for Val and vox to arrive.
Then they arrived.
"Velvet darling this is just Y/N he was to talk with me and vox about something, and he was taken and put in the trash so we took him to the shower".
'hmm velvet of course there is someone else that has a V in there first name but she is kinda cu- bro don't say that I just met her"
"So Y/N why don't you introduce your self" you looked at vox who told you to introduce your self and then at velvet who was glaring at you.
" well my name is Y/N I am coming from purgatory and your lovely friends invited me here to have a little meeting". And as a gentle, I took her hand and kissed it then when I looked up I saw a little pink on her cheeks but it might be something else maybe makeup?.

"Y/N~ you didn't kiss my hand when we first met pls kiss~it.valentino said bringing his hand closer to you but you just smacked it away.

"W-well my name is velvet one of the three vees nice to meet you".velvet said.
"Anyways I will be leaving now I don't have time for this I have to go attend to my models".velvet said storming off.

"Well then we will be awaiting for your answer Y/N here take a voxteck phone we just made newly out numbers are in there if you need to call us we will be waiting and you may leave now".vox said his left eye turning around crazily and it's hypnotising me.

"Sure vox I will do anything" you said walking outside the office woozily and outside the vees tower. You had teleports back to the hazbin hotel but you landed on the floor since you were still woozy.

"Y/N!! What did they ask you I hope they did not do anything to you". Angel came running to you.
"Don't worry sir vox and Val did not do anything to me they are my friends no need to worry". You said kissing angel dust cheek not even thinking because you were still woozy and you walked into the hotel. Angel dust just standing there asking why you kissed him but it felt good..

1100 words.

Your answer now will be used in a future episode.

Choose one
A) join the vees
B) do not join the vees
C)don't answer them at all and just stay at the hotel.

Ahahahjajaja as jajsjsjsjd

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