part-2 :)

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This is so stupid, I CANT believe Alassstor would destroy my blimp this is so annoying I can't fix it back...

Or maybe I can go stay at the hotel too!!
That will be perfect.
EGG BOIS!!!! Grab me a suit case and pack your bags were living somewhere else.

Back at the hotel.....

Good morning everyone. You greeted happily.
Good morning Y/N how was your first night here.charlie spoke.
Oh it was great, anyways what's for breakfast .
Oh breakfast's almost ready Angel dust volunteered to cook breakfast.
Ok. You looked around to notice everyone was here except Alastor.

Hm where's alastor?.
Oh I think he's still upstairs,do you mind calling him.
Not at all.

Oh well then make sure to remove all the hair from him and fry him well I don't want to be eating raw meat.
Ahh no, not that ,I meant angel dust is cooking for us.

Oh ok such a shame. Alastor said getting ready to come downstairs.

BREAKFAST IS READY!!! It might taste a bit salty because of something happened as I was cooking. And you do not wanna know..;)

Angel dust you better not have fucked in this food cause your the only one going to eat it!. Vaggie said to angel dust.

Meh meh meh meh meh, shut up don't worry veggie the food is perfect.angel dust said mimicking vaggie.

Vaggie just sat there.blood boiling with anger.

Ah ok why don't everyone just calm down and enjoy breakfast also language. You said to them.
Everyone just shrugged and began eating until...
*SPIT what the hell is this shit.husk said.

Hey don't be that mean I'm sure it's not that b- *chokes* uhmm I mean it's said.

Aww glad my little Y/N loves it. He said almost kissing you.
Sorry not into me- you said until you were cut off with loud banging on the door.

I'll GET IT!! Charlie said running to the door.
Hello welcome to the hap- hazbin hotel uhmm sir pentious?? Weren't you the one trying to destroy our hotel before.
No no that was a .... different me I am here to change and join the hotel if that's ok??
Yeah me and my girl buddy hates him.angel also replied.

But I am here to change so pls let me in I promise I won't cause any harm.

Ughhhhh who's he?. You stood up asking.
I am the almighty sir pentious and I am here to get a room at this fine establishment.
Then let him guys what's wrong with that?. You asked curious.
Well he almost destroyed our HOTEL and I don't want him here.vaggie replied.

But he's here to change isn't he and this hotel is a place for redemption right? So let him stay.

Then many egg creatures came out of nowhere and started jumping around.
Sir pentious walked in with a huge cannon with also some eggs on it.

Why though it brings me joy and if I don't have I will be sad that I won't even focus on redemption.

Don't worry vaggie nothing bad will happen.charlie said putting her hand on vaggie's shoulder.

Glad here's your room key and I will be showing you to your room.
No wait can I show him instead I want to get to know said.
Ok sure.

So sir pentious. I want to ask you something....
Sure go ahead.

How do you have all this egg bois there so cute I want one. Was it you that invented all this by yourself do you still have more. Why are you a snake did you die from a snake bite or what??!!

Ok ok wait. I can give you one of the egg bois he's so annoying anyways.he said picking up an egg boy with the number #69 on it and handing him to you.

You can have this one he's to much of a slut anyways I don't know why he acts like that.

Ok thanks.

And my inventions I did them myself.he said arriving at his hotel room.
And for the snake bite I forgot how I died it has been a long time after all.

Ok thanks for the egg boy I'mma head downstairs now.

As you were walking you bumped into someone.
Uhm.. ow oh hello angel dust.
Angel dust looked down at you smirking.
What you holding there.

Am egg boy sir pentious gave this to me.

Angel dust then picked him up and looked behind it.
And it's number 69 nice.

What do you mean? You asked.

Oh nothing.

:/.ok do you know any fun place in hell I am getting kinda bored here.

I do actually what about my strip club.

What no no I want to go somewhere fun I don't wanna go to a strip club.

Ugh but I want you to watch me....

:[ . angel dust I ain't ga-

Y/N!! Can you get here pls we need to think of more ideas for the hotel.

*Sigh*anyways I will be seeing you later.
You said walking downstairs.

Time skip after all the planning. Because me is lazy :}.

Ughh I kinda miss my best friends. Well my only friend till I met the others.
You then snapped your hands, a portal opened and 3 tiny dragons came out of the portal.

(So you have dragon pets and there names are Ichi,Ni,San for al those Godzilla fans out there you might recognise the names also you can understand them)

ICHI, NI, SAN I missed you all. You said picking up the dragons and hugging them tightly.
Oh you might be wondering why your here well I missed you all and I brought you here I want you all to accompany me in this little journey of mine.hehe. anyways I want you guys to meet some very lovely people.

I am sure this is so bad and a little short idk but the next chapter you will be introducing them to the crew and also they are not liked joined together they are separate dragons but tiny but they can join together to become more powerful. Anyways this is horrible.

1079 words.

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