Part 7- (* _*)

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No one POV

You walked into your room and collapsed on your then drifted off to sleep.

Angel dust POV.

"Husky~" I called from were I was,entering inside the hotel after I got a free peck.
"What the fuck do you want"Husk said grumbling.
" I just got a kiss aren't you jealous". I said leaning closer to husk.husk just looked at me like this :|.
"Wait a minute by who". Husk said.
"Aha I knew you would be jealous, anyways it was by Y/N isn't it awesome".I said wishing it happened again."wait I thought the kid did not like men that way".husk said looking confused.
"Well who fucking cares he may or may not like men but he sure likes me".
"Just shut the fuck up and get out of here before I- you know what I won't even say it."
I knew I would make husky jealous hah.
I then walked into my room to see fat nuggets.

Alastor POV

Today vagatha told me to get rid of this eggs so I took then since I was going out. So sad she said I should take them out humanely.but now I am planning to take Y/N with me because Lucifer told all the overlords about him being here and they said he should join the meeting because he is also trying to stop the extermination.
I knocked on his door and no one answered. "Hmm maybe he is not inside". I then turned into a shadow and entered inside  his room.
"Y/N you have to wake up you have somewhere to go to and it is very important ". He is still asleep.
"Y/N wake up or I will eat you".I said trying to make him wake up.
I then opened his eyelid and looked at it and his eyes were squiggly and moving kind of like he was hypnotised to go and sleep. Well the only person that can do that is sir pentious but he wasn't here yesterday so is it today? I doubt it.
This is so weird.
I am still thinking who else could have done this but I usually forget weak people so maybe they are a part of them.
"Well then I will just pick you up and put you in the shower".I picked him up put him the shower and turned the water very cold.
"Well you see Y/N you have been invited to this meeting that Lucifer said you should go to and since is an overlord meeting I will be going to" I then changed his cloth and gave him an old fashion 1920's outfit.
"What am I wearing put me back in my normal outfit".
"Hm fine". I snapped my fingers again and he was in a suit.
"Much better now let's go shall we"
"Wait I have to get rid of this eggs here first vagatha said I should do so they are causing a mess here at this fine establishment, so on our way there we will try to get rid of them".
"What!? But they are so cute I want them here". Y/N said sadly.
"Well it's not my saying is vagatha's now let's go" I Teleported me and Y/N to the front door of the hotel and we began our walk.
Throughout the whole walk this stupid egg people kept annoying me but Y/N did not mind he liked them. I hope they appreciate their shells because I am literally going to break them open and fry them so I can join it with my 🦌 I was eating the morning.
And then all of a sudden someone appeared in the front of us both.

"Hark alastor how fare thee this day?"
"Who's that?"Y/N said to me confused.

"Who's that boss want me to rough him up for ya".
" Follow in silence if you value your shell.Greetings zestial how do you do this morning you might be wondering who he is well he is Y/N and he will be going to the meeting with us".

"Thou must be they prince,Ah the weather doth this fine, doesn't it?."

"Ah Holt shit." A random demon screamed.


Random demons kept screaming in the background while I just wondered why they are so scared of this guy.and I love the way he speaks.

He's name is zestial from what I heard from alastor we then arrived at the meeting place. We entered into the elevator but alastor stopped the eggs while I noticed one enter already.

"Nah ah ah stay here and guard the perimeter while we have the meeting."
"Sir yes sir".

The elevator then went up I wonder why Lucifer told me to join them I am not an overlord. Maybe is because I can help them? I am not sure.

We then arrived and many othe overlords came out there was this one who was wearing all this old fashion clothes and had very sharp teeth kinda reminds me of Alastor. And this one that have blue fire and a skull for a head again this is hell that looks very cool to not gonna lie. And a giant dinosaur that wore colorful clothes. Wow.
We entered inside the meeting room and sat down.then this lady with giant hands came out with 2 other demons came out as well.
"Zestial welcome how  do you do this day?"
"Wonderful Carmilla" . Zestial taking a sip of his tea.
This lady's name must be Carmilla.
"Alastor?" She said questioning alastor.
" i know I know I have been absent for some while I know you all have been wondering". Hmm I wonder what he's talking about and what he meant by absent for some while.
"Hm didn't really care oh and Y/N glad you made it to the meeting glad a prince is joining us Lucifer said you would".
I then bowed down my head to greet her.

"This year's extermination was so brutal we lost 16% of hells population and now they are returning twice a year we need to discuss something to stop them quickly so we won't lose this much again so I say tha-"
*Door bangs open*.

1055 words

Guys I will  be updating 3 times a week how does that sound? Causes I am a very busy person. So should I or not.

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