Chapter 2: Frosty Mountains of Siberia

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12 years later...Lara is 21 years old and Jonah is traveling with her for now walking into the snow. Jonah is ahead of Lara walking through a cave while Lara lights up a flare because it was dark.

Jonah: "Try to catch up, Lara. This blizzard is really powerful and the snow is going up to my thighs."

Lara Croft: "I'm coming." They both exit the cave.

Jonah: "Do you still have the map to the pieces of the Golden Crown?"

Lara Croft: (takes out the map) "Yes, I do and I think it's close. I know it is."

Jonah: "Well, let's hope it's at the top of this mountain."

Lara Croft: "Let's find out." Jonah straps her hooks onto Lara's belt.

Lara Croft: "We're going to climb this big mountain. Are you ready, Jonah?"

Jonah: "Yes, I'm ready." Lara puts on her goggles, took out her two climbing axes and started to climb.

Lara Croft: "Stay close to me. Take it very slow and steady."

Jonah: "Got it." When Lara took another step on the mountain, the ice cracked.

Lara Croft: "Stop! Don't move!"
Jonah: "I know. It's a big gap. Now, what?"
Lara Croft: "I can make it!" She jumps the big gap and used her axe to catch the next mountain.

Jonah: "Holy crap! I don't think I can make that kind of jump, Lara!"
Lara Croft: "It's okay. Just stay there. I'll see what's up ahead." (Cold wind blows.)

Jonah: "Okay, be careful."

Lara Croft: "I will." Lara kept climbing until she saw the Golden Temple right before her eyes.

Lara Croft: "Jonah, we made it! I can see the Golden Temple miles away."

Jonah: "That's good, Lara."
Lightning appears out of nowhere in the sky.

Lara Croft: "Oh no."

Jonah: "Get away from there, Lara!"

Lara tries to hold on for dear life, but she slipped and was swinging into the mountain wall. Her head got hit really bad.

Jonah: "Oh my god, Lara! Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Lara Croft: (groans while rubbing her head.) "Yes, I'm okay."

Jonah: "Okay. I'm just making sure."

Lara sees the other side of the mountain that looks like she can climb it.

Jonah: "Lara, I'm going to pull you back up."

Lara Croft: "Wait, Jonah! I have an idea! Quick, swing me over to that mountain!"

Jonah: "What?! Lara, this isn't what your father wanted..."

Lara Croft: "Just trust me! Do it!"

Jonah: "Okay, but I won't be able to hold you for long." He starts to swing her.

Jonah: "Lara, please hurry! I can't hold you much longer!" Lara used her two axes to grab the mountain but the ice shattered off the mountain.

Lara Croft: "Whoa! Jonah, one more swing so I can reach that mountain!"

Jonah: "Alright, here we go!" Jonah swung Lara to the mountain and she got it.

Lara Croft: (Used her axes to grab the mountain.) "Got it!" Suddenly, a rumble began.

Lara Croft: "Whoa, what was that?"

Jonah: "It's an avalanche! Climb, Lara climb! Lara climbed to top of the mountain.

Lara Croft: "I made it! Jonah, go somewhere and find shelter! I'll see you soon!" Lara starts to run from the avalanche and uses the zip line but the avalanche keeps coming after her. She saw a very big gap and jumped so far, she caught the frosty mountain wall with her two axes. Suddenly, the avalanche sucked Lara in and she rolled violently into the snow. She was knocked out from the cold for a minute. Suddenly, Lara burst out of the big pile of snow, coughing and gasping also shivering.

Lara Croft: "I need to find shelter fast before I freeze to death."

Lara went to find a cave in the wilderness. Once Lara went into the cave, she saw sticks into a pit.

Lara Croft: "Hmm...I need to build a fire, but I need more firewood. I better look around for strong branches." Lara looks around to find some type of strong wood and she found it.

Lara Croft: "This'll work fine. Alright, back to the cave." She took like ten pieces of strong wood: 5 for the pit, 4 for a tent and 2 for a bow to shoot. Lara prepares the fire with her matches.

Lara Croft: "Hopefully, the fire will keep me warm enough. Now's the time to make my bow."

After a few minutes of building her bow, she practiced with it and it works.

Lara Croft: "It's been a long time since I used a makeshift longbow like you. Luckily, you still work. I need a stronger bow though. Probably soon I guess." Lara made herself some poison arrows and some silent arrows.

Lara Croft: "I should probably get to sleep before I won't have any strength left in the morning." Lara made her way to her wooden tent by crawling inside.

After a few minutes of sleep, she heard some static that wasn't from her walkie talkie. It was from a Russian man searching for her. She acted fast and disappeared into the darkness before the Russian man looked inside her homemade tent. Lara Croft was already at the top of a tree branch.

Russian Man 1: (COM) "Have you found her yet?"

Russian Man 4: "No, not yet."

Russian Man 1: (COM) "Well, keep searching for her."

Russian Man 4: "Alright, I will." Suddenly, Lara jumped down on top of him and threw dirt in his eyes.

Russian Man 1: (COM) "Rez, do you hear me? Rez, come in!" Russian Man 1 realizes that he's dead.

Russian Man 1: (COM) "Everyone stay on alert! The girl is here and she is dangerous! Keep your eyes peeled. She's hiding." All the Russian men was searching for her and she shot a poison arrow down where they were and gas came out and they started to cough and die. Lara puts her scarf over her nose, cheeks and mouth so her face wouldn't be frozen. Lara jumped down from the tree and she took out a glow stick. She cracked it and shook it. It was an orange glow stick. She noticed the red smoke in the distance and she heard a noise. It sounded like a walkie talkie.

Command: (COM) "Does anybody read me? This is Commander Jason. Everyone get out of the snow right now because on its way is a snowy blizzard. I repeat a snowy blizzard is on its way. Get to shelter!"

Lara Croft: "I better hurry back to my camp before I get really cold and freeze." She heads back to the camp, but a bear attacked it.

Lara Croft: "Oh god." The bear is chasing after her and she kept running. Lara went through tree branches and at the end was a dead end, a huge cliff. Lara had no choice but to fight the bear with her axe. She kept hitting him with the axe and it hit her. She fell off the cliff and landed in the big pile of snow. When she got out of it, her waist wounded got covered with snow so it froze and it stings to Lara because it was deep. She couldn't move at all and her vision became blurry when she saw a mysterious figure. Either Russian or a villager, Lara passed out into the snow.

(End of Chapter 2: Frosty Mountains of Siberia)

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