Chapter 12: Next Stop, Egypt!

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Nathan, Jonah, Sully and Lara arrived at the motel. Nathan parked straight in the parking lot. Nathan turned off the truck.

Nathan: "Well, guys. This is it."

Sully: "Nice driving skills, kid." He got out of the truck. "You did better than last time in Siberia."

Nathan: "Is that an apology?"

Sully: "More like it's about time moment, if you know what I mean."

Jonah: "So, what's our next stop to get the crown pieces since our trip to Colombia was a bust."

Lara: "Also a trap."

Sully: "Good point, Lara."

Nathan takes out his journal with the next marked location and sighs "Egypt. It's next in line."

Sully: "Great, kid. Now, we're going to be hot and tired and mostly sweating to our heads and to our feet."

Nathan: "Well, old man. It has to be done."

Lara: "If we don't get the crown pieces now, then we may never know what will happen. Maybe peace will spread over this horrid universe or eternal death with chaos and destruction."

Jonah: "We will never know unless we find out for ourselves. Whether we get there first, or they do and we fail."

Sully: "Hmm. You guys do have very good points, but does it have to be a race?"

Nathan: "To the finish? Yes, we have to beat them before they beat us. So, Sully, are you going to help and find these pieces with us or do you want to fail? It's your choice."

Sully: "Are you kidding me? I'm not going to fail and stay here. I'm with you guys."

Nathan: "Then, it's settled. We're going to Egypt tomorrow morning to find one of those pieces and we will have peace and harmony."

Jonah: "That's right."

Nathan: "But for now, let's rest up for the night. We all need our strength to fight tomorrow and I don't want any of you to become weak and can't do anything."

Sully: "Right." Lara got out of the car and lock picked one of the doors and got it opened. She went inside one of them and closed the door.

Sully: "Looks like hardly anyone comes here to rest and chill. It's us. And Lara seems to open locked doors with a lock pick skill. You should learn how to do that, kid."

Nathan: "Are you serious? I can't pick locks."

Jonah: "Let Lara teach you how."

Nathan: "Well...I..." He keeps blushing.

Sully: "Come on. You're not scared, are you?"

Nathan: "What? No! I'm not scared. Men never gets scared." He crossed his arms to be tough.

Sully: "Uh huh. Sure, whatever."

Nathan: "You believe me, right?"

Sully: "Yeah, yeah. I believe you." He walks away, chuckling.

Nathan: "You're a jerk, you know that?!"

Sully: "I know!" He walks into a room and closes the door. Outside, it was just Jonah and Nathan.

Nathan: "That old man. I swear I just want to shave his whole entire head until he's freaking bald!"

Jonah: "Yeah, that would be a great look for him."

Nathan: "What? Jonah agrees with me?"

Jonah: "What, I'm just saying. It would look great on him."

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