Chapter 5: Bravery, Knowledge, Chivalry!

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In the cabin with Jonah and his friends, they chat about everything that just happened.

Nathan: "And that's it."

Jonah: "Wow, I'm so relieved that you guys are safe and sound."

Sully: "Yeah, I'm just glad that I survived that snowmobile crash."

Nathan: "I know. You almost gave me quite a heart attack."

Sully: "Well, you're lucky the old man still has the strength to move."

Nathan: (Laughs) "And I'm happy for that."

Jonah: "So, what are you guys doing here?"

Lara: "We're here to let you come with us on a journey to the Temple of Charta."

Jonah: "Temple of Charta?"

Lara: "Yes. The Golden Temple of Charta. Remember?"

Jonah: "Oh, the one we saw when we were climbing the icy mountain."

Lara: "Yes. That's it."

Nathan: "We need a map of directions to find the temple."

Sully: "We also need a navigator and a traveler."

Lara: "We reckoned that you could join us on that adventure."

Jonah: "Actually, one of my members have a map of the Golden temple. They found it in one of the history books."

Nathan: "Spectacular! You and your gentlemen can come with us."

Jonah: "Okay. Let's go."

Nathan and Lara: "Yes!"

Jonah: "Guys, pack your bags! We're going on an adventure!"

All: "Yeah!" They all went out the door.

Jonah: "We're going to need transportation."

Sully: "How about a snowmobile?"

Lara: "Can't. Not enough seats. It's impossible."

Sully: "Crap."

Nathan looks in the distance. "I see fresh water and a big boat!"

Sully: "Where?" Nathan points to it. "Holy crap, kid. You got the smarts."

Nathan: "Thank you."

Lara: "That's where we're heading."

Jonah: "Lot of ways to walk, but we'll make it. Let's get a move on." They walked in the cold weather, shivering but no blizzards in sight.

Nathan: "It looks like the blizzards are gone."

Sully: "Please. Don't get your hopes up, Nate. It may come sooner than you think."

Lara: "Let's just keep moving. We're almost there." They kept walking until they heard howls.

Jonah: "Everybody, hold position!" They all stood still.

Sully: "What's wrong?"

Jonah: "I hear.." Footsteps were heard.

Lara spotted the footsteps and heard growling closer. The dogs came out of the shadows of the bushes. "Wolves!" She took her bow out and aimed at the wolf and shot it. "Everyone, run towards the water and get on that boat!"

Nathan: "Go!" Everybody ran to the boat and everyone got on until Sully's pants leg got grabbed by a vicious wolf.

Sully: "Ahh! Nate!"

Nathan: "Sully!" Nathan aims pistol at the wolf and fired. The wolf let go and the other wolves ran away. The crew cheers.

Lara: "We made it."

Sully: "Yep, we did."

Nathan: "Are you okay, old man?"

Sully: "Yes, I'm okay, kid. Now, will you stop calling me old man? It's very disrespectful!"

Nathan: "Sorry."

Sully: "I'm just kidding."

Nathan: "Not cool."

Sully: "Whatever you say, kid."

Jonah: "Set the sails, gentlemen." The gentlemen set up the sails and the blizzards came back.

Nathan: "Hey, the blizzards are back."

Sully: "I told you sooner than you think. Let's sail!" Adventurous music came up to set the mood while the winds were picking up the sails and Nathan was driving the ship.

Sully: "Not so fast, kid! You are going to make us all sick to our stomachs! In fact, I feel mine coming on!"

Nathan: "If we want to get to that temple, we have to get there fast as possible!"

Sully: "Who in the world said anything about speeding up?! Slow down, Nathan! It might take us longer than a few days to reach that temple! So, slow down before I puke on the deck!"

Nathan: "Alright, alright. I'll slow it down." He stops the steering wheel on the boat.

Sully: "Thank you. Now, I'm gonna try to find some beds for us to sleep in for later."

Nathan: "You go do that." He saw Lara pass by him to go to Jonah.

Lara: "Hey, Jonah."

Jonah: (Turns around) "Oh, hey Lara. How's it going?"

Lara: "It's great. I'm really glad you're here with us."

Jonah: "I didn't want to leave you guys alone by yourself."

Lara: "Of course. If only my father were here to see this."

Jonah: "I'm sure he would be very proud of you, Lara. I'm sure he is."

Lara: "I miss him so much, you know." Nathan notices that her father died and kind of felt bad for her.

Jonah: "I know, Lara. But always know that he is there with you. Watching over you. Giving you bravery, knowledge and chivalry in your heart and soul. It's in your genes."

Lara: "I know...but it hurts so much."

Jonah: "I understand. He wants you to be strong. So be a strong independent woman and you will be okay."

Lara: "Okay. Thanks, Jonah." She gives him a hug.

Jonah: "You're welcome, Lara."

Sully: "Hey, kid." Sully came from downstairs in the bunker. "Want to go fishing?" Nathan and Sully started fishing and they both caught fish.

Sully: (sings) "And I think it's gonna be a long long time, 'Till touch down brings me round again to find, I'm not the man they think I am at home oh no no no, I'm a rocket man!"

Nathan: "Sully, if you sing that song again...."

Sully: "Oh, come on, Nate. Sing with me."
Nathan: " way. I'm not singing."

Sully: "Please?"

Nathan: "No. Absolutely not!"

Sully: "You're no fun." He turns to the gentlemen. "Hey boys, we're having fish tonight!"

Crew: "Yeah!"

Nathan: "Looks like it's going to be a fun night for us."

Sully: "Oh...yeah." Sully holds up two big bottles of red rum and laughs.

(End of Chapter 5)

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