Chapter 4: On The Search of Charta

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Sully: "Come on, kids. Let's find ourselves a map guide."

Lara Croft: "Wait. I have to find Jonah first."

Nathan Drake: "Who?"

Lara Croft: "Jonah. He's my old friend from a long time ago. Please. I want him to come along too."

Sully: "Alright, alright, Lara. Let's go get your friend first and then we'll find a map guide."

Lara Croft: "Good." She took out her walkie talkie. "Jonah, are you there? Come in. It's me, Lara."

Jonah: (COM) "Lara, my goodness. Are you okay? What happened?"

Lara Croft: "It's a long story, Jonah, but I'll let you know later. Where are you?"

Jonah: (COM) "I'm at a ski lodge right near the mountains. Do you see it at your end?" Lara looks around to find the ski lodge and she found it.

Lara Croft: "Yes, I see it."

Jonah: (COM) "Okay, meet me there."

Lara Croft: "Copy that. I'll see you then, Jonah."

Jonah: (COM) "See you then, little bird. Jonah, out."  The walkie talkie went to static and Lara turned it off.

Nathan Drake: "Well, Lara. Where's your friend?"

Lara Croft points to the building. "Over there. See those mountains? He's in the ski lodge."

Sully: "Well. Let's go. My buns are freezing."

Nathan Drake: "But that's the point. How will we be able to get over there? See that? He points to the big gap. There's no way we'll walk over that."

Sully: "Now who said anything about walking?" He takes off the covers off of some sort of vehicles.

Nathan Drake: "What? No way. Snow mobiles?!"

Sully: "Hell yeah. He got on one of the snow mobiles. Let's ride!" He revved the engine.

Nathan Drake: (To Lara) "You want me to drive?"

Lara Croft: "Sure. Go ahead." Nathan got on and cranked up the engine and Lara got on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist with the bow and arrows on her back.

Sully: "Kids, we're going over that gap!"

Nathan Drake: "Do you think these are fast enough?!"

Sully: "Only one way to find out, Nate!Follow me!" He started driving fast.

Nathan Drake: "You're crazy, old man!"

Sully: "Oh yeah. I am insane in the membrane! Come on, scaredy cat!"

Nathan Drake: (Sighs) "We're going to die."

Lara Croft: "No, we're not. I got your back if anything goes wrong." Nathan blushes by the way she said that.

Nathan Drake: "Thanks."

Lara Croft: "Now, go! Don't stop for anything!"

Nathan Drake: "Yes, ma'am!" He drove behind Sully.

Sully: "Guys, here comes the gap! Step on it to give yourselves a boost!"

Nathan Drake: "Oh man, oh man, oh man." They're getting close to the gap.

Sully: "Here we go!" He flew over the gap. "Woo!" He landed like a pro on the other side of the gap. "Alright, that was great! Your turn, kids!"

Nathan Drake: "This is very bad!"

Rise Of The Uncharted: Temple Of Charta Book 1Where stories live. Discover now