Travel with Lara Croft and Nathan Drake in an all-new adventure as a team to save the world from mayhem and chaos. Will their relationships take place while on their adventure? Find out more in the wonderful Golden Temple of Charta. This is a SCRIPT...
Lara and Nathan kept running until Lara saw glowing writings on the walls.
Lara: "Wait, Nathan, wait."
Nathan: "What is it, Lara?"
Lara: "Look there. On the walls." She points to the wall.
Nathan: "Whoa, golden writings. Awesome. But it's written in a different language. You know I can't read Egyptian. Tried but I couldn't do it. And that is a fact."
Lara: "Okay, I get it. You can't read Egyptian, but maybe I can." She gets closer to read the Egyptian writing. She reads aloud. "Shimmering glimmering golden light, open up your treasure tonight. When you find the hidden door, find the golden key upon the golden floor."
Nathan: "Okay. So, what do we do? Wait?"
Lara: "That's exactly what we have to do, Nathan. Wait for the night to rise then after the moon comes out, we should see the hidden door and I bet it's a golden door. When we find the hidden door, the floor beneath us will turn to gold and we have to find a golden key."
Nathan: "Which would blend in, so it will be hard to find."
Lara: "That's right."
Nathan: "Okay, I'm down."
Lara: "Nathan, what time is it?" Nathan looks at his watch.
Nathan: "It is 8:30."
Lara: "Okay, the moon should be coming out by now." Suddenly, the moon came out and the hidden door was shining golden.
Nathan: "The hidden door is seen."
Lara looks down to the sand. "Now, the key." Suddenly, the floor became golden but with a lot of gold keys.
Nathan: "Oh, crap. There's so many keys. Which is the right one?" Lara read the bottom of the translation.
Lara: "It's saying we have to find the golden key with a blue keystone on it."
Nathan scrambles through the keys. "Blue, blue, blue." He keeps looking through until he finds the one. "I got the key, Lara."
Lara: "Toss it." Nathan tosses the key to Lara and she catches it and puts it in the keyhole. "May the hidden door reveal the tomb within." Lara turns the key and the hidden door opens and golden light shines bright.
Nathan: "Here we go." They walked in slowly and looked around. Everything was golden.
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Nathan: "It's incredible."
Lara gasped in surprise. "The Pharoah Phoenix's tomb. Unbelievable. Hmm. But where is the crown pieces?"
Nathan: "Maybe they are inside the coffin?"
Lara: "Maybe. I see more Egyptian writing." She reads aloud. "Here lies General Phoenix of the Egyptian fire. Creator of the crown of Charta and passed down to the kings of Charta. Long ago, she wore the crown for longer periods of time, but it consumed her body and possessed her soul. It turned her evil which made the whole world as dark and as horrible as the seven plagues of Egypt itself. So when it passed down to the two kings of Charta, it made them both evil and it killed them. Don't ever wear this crown or you too will be possessed and be evil of the hellish crown itself. I made that mistake once. Got to get it off, must come off, won't come off. Death destroys all." She finishes as her eyes were widened with fear.