Chapter 3: Meeting Nathan Drake

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Lara's mind had flashbacks from the previous adventure in Yamatai when she was shipwrecked and when she had to cauterize her waist while she was in Shantytown in the helicopter. Lara started to toss and turn when she saw those.

Mysterious Man voice: "Come on, girl. Hold still."

When the flashbacks stopped and disappeared, Lara's eyes started to blink slowly. At first, the vision became blurry, but when she kept blinking, the vision became clear as the sky and she sees a very handsome gentleman wearing a dark blue shirt, with nice looking hair and face too.

Man: "Hey. You're awake. I never thought you would wake up." Lara looked around.

Lara Croft: "Wh-Where am I?"

Man: "You're in a cabin. It's basically ours. For now. My name is Nathan. Nathan Drake. What's yours?"

Lara Croft: "Lara. Lara Croft."

Nathan Drake: "It's nice to meet you, Lara. Here's some tea to get your strength up." He gives her the teacup.

Nathan Drake: "Be careful, it's hot."

Lara Croft: "Thank you."

Nathan Drake: "Your welcome."

Lara sipped her tea while Nathan puts the tea kettle back over the fire.

Lara Croft: "What happened while I was out?"

Nathan Drake: "Nothing much. I dressed your wound twice a day, cleaned it and stitched it. It was very deep."

Lara Croft: "You...You've been taking care of me?"

Nathan Drake: "Of course I did. I couldn't just let you lie there in the snow by yourself when the wolves are looking for fresh meat. I thought I would want to rescue you and I did."

Lara Croft: "Thank you, Nathan."

Nathan Drake: "Please, call me Nate."

Lara Croft: "Okay. Nate." (Sipped her tea.) "So, what brings you here?"

Nathan Drake: "Just waiting on my partner Sully. He's been out for quite a while and he was getting more firewood. Now, I don't know what's taking so long."

Lara Croft: "Maybe we should go look for him instead of just sitting here." She got up and winced a bit.

Nathan Drake: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, take it easy. I just saved you from a blizzard and now you want to go back out there? It's severe. Dangerous out there. You'll never make it four feet out there and you need to rest to get your strength back. Besides he's a tough old man anyway. He'll be fine."

Lara Croft: "Are you sure?"

Nathan Drake: "Do you think a big blizzard like that will take down a tough old man like Sully? Nope. Trust me, he's done this before."

Lara Croft: "Okay. I'll rest up."

Nathan Drake: "Good. It's the best way." Sully came in with the firewood.

Sully: "Whew. Holy crap! Kid, you'll never believe what happened out there! My feet were almost frozen from that blizzard! That was so challenging! I'm surprised you didn't go out there."

Nathan Drake: "Actually, I did. I rescued this woman from the blizzard earlier. She's lucky to be alive. She was wounded also."

Sully: "Where?"

Nathan Drake: "Where her waist is."

Sully: "Holy crap. How did that happened?"

Nathan Drake: "I could ask the same question, Sully. She's asleep." Sully walked next to Nathan to look at Lara.

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