Chapter 8: Rock n' Roll Dragon!

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Nathan: (voice echoes) "What the hell is this thing?!"

Lara: (voice echoes) "It's a rock dragon!"

Nathan: (voice echoes) "What the hell is a rock dragon?"

Lara: (voice echoes) "Well, a rock dragon is a very huge dragon made out of rock and it loves to sleep in caves so it may fool its prey to pretend it's a pile of huge rocks. And it's pretty fast but the only way it won't attack us is to let him sleep in peace and quiet. That means no noise whatsoever."

Nathan: (voice echoes and whispers) "So, maybe we should quietly leave." They backed up a little further from the dragon until Nathan hits a rock that made a lot of noise and it shook the whole cave. Some parts of rock below them started to crack open into a big hole.

Lara looks at Nathan upset. (voice echoes) "Nathan!"

Nathan chuckles nervously. (Voice echoes) "Oh, crap." The rock dragon got very angry as it got up and roared at them.

Nathan: "RUN!!!" He grabbed Lara's hand and started running fast while the rock dragon was chasing after them. Lara was panicking and tries to catch up.

Nathan: "RUN! FASTER!" The dragon is catching up to them and Lara looks behind her and gasps. They kept running until they saw the hole in the ground and Nathan holds her hand tighter.

Lara: "Wait, wait, wait! What?!"

Nathan: "We're gonna JUMP!!" They jumped into the deep hole and it looks like a thrilling slide with water. Lara screams while Nathan uses the shield behind his back and he got Lara in his arms holding on and it was bumpy too.

Nathan: "Ow, this hurts!"

Lara: "Ow, my waist!" The dragon disappeared.

Nathan: "The dragon's gone! I think we lost it!" The dragon appeared in front of them.

Lara: "Uh, I don't think so!" They were sliding right between the dragon's leg.

Nathan: "Watch out for the ceiling! Duck!" They ducked underneath the ceiling and the rock dragon bursted through it.

Nathan: "Whoa!"

Lara: "Whoa!" There was a drop ahead that goes underground and the dragon keeps catching up.

Nathan: "Hold on to me!" Lara held on as tight as she could. They dropped underground and they were still sliding down.

Lara: "Oh, oh god!"

Nathan: "Whoa!" They looked at each other, smiling until a rock came up blocking their path.

Lara: "Oh, no!"

Nathan: "Oh, sh...!" They hit the rock as they went up and they landed on the shield. The rock dragon came up in front again and there was a right passage.

Nathan: "Lean to the right!" They both leaned and they went into the shortcut. But there was a very huge gap, Nathan hit the brakes on the shield.

Nathan: "Whoa!" They were close to the edge. "Whew!" He chuckles and smiles at Lara. Until suddenly, a big boom came and the dragon came back.

Lara: "It's back!"

Nathan: "Come on!" They kept going down until there was another gap and they jumped over it with the shield. The dragon kept following them until Nathan saw a light, which is the way out. He took out his knife.

Nathan: "Hang on!" He puts the knife in the ground and turned it so they turned to head out the hole with the sunlight. The rocks were crumbling and there was black dirt and water coming out of the hole and there they were falling.

Lara: "Ohhhhhhh!"

Nathan: "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Sully, Jonah and the crewmen saw them falling towards the ship.

Sully: "Yep, they're crazy." Jonah chuckles. Nathan grabbed Lara and sliced down the sail to catch their fall and they landed with a thud on top of each other with the sail covering them up. Nathan was on top and Lara was on the bottom.

Nathan: "Well..." He clicks his tongue and closed his eyes then he opens them."...that went better than my...plan." He noticed that they were on top on each other and he stares into her brown eyes. Lara just chuckles and smiled at him while she wiped a speck of dirt off of his cheek with her thumb. Nathan smirked as the sail was removed by the crewmen and they saw them all excited and relieved.

Crewmen: "Nathan and Lara!" They cheered and they helped them up.

Jonah: "Are you guys okay? What happened?"

Nathan: "We had a great adventure. How did yours go?"

Sully: "Ours were too easy!"

Lara: "What was your obstacle?"

Jonah: "Lasers. What was yours?"

Nathan: "A big nasty rock dragon in the caves."

Sully: "I can tell. You guys are filthy! Like you guys have been rolling around in dirt."

Jonah: "I'm going to prepare dinner. Men, follow me."

Sully: "Make sure you guys clean."

Lara: "We will." The men and Sully went downstairs. It was just Nathan and Lara on the dock of the ship.

Nathan: "So, shall ladies go first for a shower or shall I?"

Lara: "I'll go."

Nathan: "Okay." Lara went downstairs while Nathan looks at the sun. Lara ran back and kissed Nathan on the cheek.

Lara: "Thanks." She went downstairs to her room.

Nathan: "Your welcome." He smiled as she left.

(End of Chapter 8)

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