Chapter 16: Traps of Giza

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Inside Pyramid of Giza, the crew was walking and looking. The doors of the Pyramid closed.

Jonah: "No turning back."

Sully: "Let's just find the crown pieces and get the hell out of here."

Rai's: "It won't be easy."

Jonah:"I agree with him, guys. It's not going to be easy. There are going to be obstacles we will have to face."

Rai's: "Death traps are everywhere. Be careful and watch your step." He grabs a torch and leads the way. "Follow me. This way." The crew followed Rai's for a long while until they heard a boom sound that rumbled the walls.

Sully: "What the hell was that?"

Nathan: "No idea. Get ready." Everyone took out their weapons except Rai's because he never used a weapon before. A boom sound louder and it came from the sand.

Rai's: "Nobody move a muscle." Nobody moved until Rai's got eaten alive by insects and they moved rapidly away from Rai's body.

Lara: "Oh, god. No."

Sully: "Holy hell." He picks up Rai's map to the crown pieces.

Jonah: "Well, it looks like we're going alone."

Nathan looks at the sand that's rising. "Maybe WE'RE NOT ALONE!! RUN!!!" The hole popped out with more insects running towards them.

Lara: "SCARABS!!" The team started running with firepower behind them. Nathan sees a steep hill.

Nathan: "Guys, we're going to have to slide down this steep hill ahead!"

Sully: "Oh, crap."

Nathan: "SLIDE, NOW!" Everyone slid down into the darkness and landed on hard ground. Everyone was coughing.

Sully: "Great, kid. Now, I got sand in my teeth and shoes."

Nathan: "We'll get cleaned as soon as we get out of here. For now, we keep moving forward."

Sully: "Good, I can't wait to get out of here."

Nathan: "Hey, Jonah. How long before we reach the Pharoah Phoenix's tomb?" Jonah took out the map and saw the location for the tomb.

Jonah: "We have a long way to go."

Sully: "Don't pyramids have a shortcut?"

Nathan: "Why, you want to leave?"

Sully: "No, I want to get to the crown pieces first and then we leave."

Nathan: "Mm-hm. Right."

Sully: "I'm serious. This place give me the creeps."

Nathan: "We'll be out of here soon enough."

Sully: "Oh yeah? How soon?"

Jonah: "We have encountered scarabs, we lost Rai's and we don't have anybody to help us get there quicker. What else could possibly go wrong?" They heard a ding sound and then a big gate dropped in front of Jonah.

Jonah: "Lara! Nathan!" Nathan turned around.

Nathan: "Oh, hell."

Lara: "JONAH!" She ran back to Jonah, but the gate closed on her. She tries to open the gate.

Jonah: "Lara, stop. Don't. I'm trapped. There's nothing you can do for me."

Lara: "What are you going to do?"

Jonah: "I don't know to be honest. You have to move forward, Lara."

Lara: "Not without you, Jonah!"

Jonah: "Always being brave and powerful for the people you care about. Never giving up. That's why I am so proud of you to be your friend, Little Bird." Lara sheds a tear down her right cheek.

Lara: "Thank you, Jonah." She sniffled.

Jonah: "You almost forgot about this." He takes a long shiny object from his backpack and gives it to Lara.

Lara: "The compound bow."

Jonah: "Put it to good use, Lara."

Lara: "I will. What about you?"

Jonah: "I'll be alright. Now, go get those pieces and bring the world into harmony." Nathan walked behind Lara and touched her shoulder.

Nathan: "Come on, Lara. We have to go get the crown pieces."

Sully: "We can make it."

Lara nods. "You're right. Let's go." They ran forward down the stairs and another big gate trapped Sully.

Nathan: "Sully!"

Sully: "Just keep going, kids. Run. I'll be fine."

Lara: "You heard him. Let's go." They kept running until it became quiet and dark.

Nathan: "Damn. It's so dark and I can't see a thing."

Lara: "Glow sticks." She gave one to Nathan and they both cracked and shook them and they glowed. Nathan has blue and Lara has yellow. Lara upset with herself.

Lara: "Damn it. DAMN IT! It should have been me. It should have been me behind that gate and it wasn't!"

Nathan: "Jonah would've wanted you to move on and Sully would've wanted me to move on, too." Lara turned around and faced Nathan.

Lara: "What do you mean? We're just going to leave them both to die?!"

Nathan: "No, it means that they will always be by your side forever...including me and I have two responsibilities. One: I may be the most biggest pain in the butt when it comes to relationships." Lara chuckles and looks down but Nathan uses his left hand on her chin to put her head up to look at him. "And two: That I will always be here when you need me." Lara smiles while Nathan holds her waist with his left hand and held her hand in the other. He leans slowly towards her and he kisses her on the lips, finally. For the longest, they kissed. When they broke free, they looked at each other.

Nathan: "Well. That was pretty...great." Lara nodded in agreement.

Lara: "It was."

Nathan: "We should probably get going now."

Lara: "I agree. Let's go. I think we're almost there."

Nathan: "Right." They kept running to find the secret door. It was hidden. Hidden from dark times. Very dark indeed.

(End of Chapter 16: Traps of Giza)

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