Chapter 6: Shiver Me Adventures!

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At night on the ship in the dining room, there were chatting, eating, drinking and laughing on the ship except for Lara who was in the bed trying to sleep, but she couldn't. She got up instead and left the bedrooms. She went to the dining room where everyone was at, but Nathan wasn't there.

Jonah: "Hey, Lara. Are you hungry?"

Lara: "No thanks. Maybe later."

Jonah: "Is everything okay, Lara?"

Lara: "Everything is fine. I just need some air that's all."

Jonah: "Oh okay. I'll save you a plate." Lara nodded and left the dining room.

Jonah: "Anybody wants seconds on the fish?"

Crewmen: "Yeah!" While everyone was having fun, Lara saw Nathan at the steering wheel driving the ship to keep it steady. Nathan was smiling confidently and straightforward. There was a breeze that made his hair flow. Lara went up top to where Nathan was at. Nathan looks at her as she turns away.

Lara: "Nathan...(sighs)...thank you for saving me from the horrible weather the other day."

Nathan: "Well...(He stops and he looks at her smile.)'re welcome, Lara."

Lara: "Never thought about driving a ship this big?"

Nathan: "Actually, I've been wanting to drive an actual ship in like forever. It's always been my dream."

Lara: "Really?"

Nathan: "Yeah. Ever since I was a little boy, my father and I would play ships and my dad was a captain and I was the crew member."

Lara: "Wow. That's very extraordinary."

Nathan: "I appreciate that."

Lara: "So, you like adventures, huh?"  She gave a little smirk at him.

Nathan: "Oh, yeah. Except sometimes I always get hurt or captured. It really isn't pretty. (Laughs) What about you? Do you like adventures too? Have you ever been captured before?" Lara walked right next to Nathan while he's driving the ship.

Lara: " was this one time, a long time ago, I've been stranded on an island for I didn't know how long maybe a couple months or years. It was horrible. I've been through so much pain that I wouldn't be able to talk about it in front of people."

Nathan: "You had to survive on your very own by pain and suffering? Killing?"

Lara looks to the distance to the moon and sighs. "...Yes." She then looks at the water on her side. Nathan felt sad until he puts his hand on top of hers. Lara felt it and she gasps and turned back to look at him. He smiled at her while he puts her hand on the steering wheel of the ship and she was now driving the ship.

Nathan: "When I traveled the world a long time ago, I was almost by myself until I met Sully and we went on adventures together as a team and we sometimes get captured on an island."

Lara: "And did you let that happen by being captured?" She slightly looked at him in the corner of her eye.

Nathan: "No. We struggled our way through and we made it to a sail boat. After that, we went away for a while. This was basically at a night like this. We were lucky to escape. Until, one morning I saw this big ship coming into view with a Japanese girl, an African American girl and a nice traveling man on the ship, but something caught my eye on that ship. It was just waiting for another adventure and when I saw her, I knew from the start that it would happen to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Lara was stunned when she heard that and she looked up at him slowly.

Lara: (Whispers) "Nathan, who was on that ship?" Nathan looks down for moment, then turned to face her.

Nathan: "...It was you." Lara was stunned when he saw her on the Endurance ship.

Nathan: "Sully saw you at the bow of the ship leaning, staring at the sun. I wondered when I was going to find you and I never looked back..." He turned to face her again. "...until I found you now." Nathan smiled. Lara's heart was warming up and the wind made her hair flow. Nathan's left hand slowly grabbed her left hand and his right was on her waist. He almost leans in to get a kiss on the lips until Sully interrupted them.

Sully: "Come on, kids. Get some sleep. It's going to be a long long night." He went back downstairs. Nathan and Lara looked at each other.

Lara: "We better obey."

Nathan: "Right."

Lara: "Good night, Nathan." She went downstairs to the bedrooms where the other guys were sleeping and snoring.

Nathan: "Good night...Lara." He rubbed the back of his neck, ashamed.

(End of Chapter 6: Shiver Me Adventures)

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