Chapter 9: On the way, to Cartagena, Columbia! Part I

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It is 9:43 at night on the seas of darkness and Lara is busy writing about what's been happening so far on her journey to Reyes and Sam.

Lara: (Thoughts) "Dear Reyes and Sam, this experience to the Golden Temple is definitely amazing so far and Jonah is here with me too. It's very interesting and somewhat entertaining at the same time. And get this: I am actually in a historical pirate ship that has survived for the longest! I actually really felt like I was a pirate! Isn't that funny? (Sighs) I wish you guys were here to see this and I hope one of you doesn't get sea sick while you're on a boat. (Laughs) Well, I guess I better go now. It's getting late. I'll keep writing to you, I promise. Stay sweet, me pirates. Yo ho! Yo ho!" Suddenly, a knock came upon the door. Lara puts away her things in her backpack.

Lara: "Come in." Nathan Drake came in with something in his hands.

Nathan Drake: "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I bothering you?"

Lara: "Bothering m...? Oh, no no. You're not bothering me. Come sit down next to me. I won't bite."

Nathan Drake: "Okay."

Lara: "You can close the door if you like."

Nathan Drake blushes. "Oh, um..." He nervously chuckles.

Lara: "What?"

Nathan Drake: "Uh, nothing. Just nothing." His thoughts came up in his head. "Crap, why am I getting sweaty? It can't be this boat! Keep it together, Nate. Keep it together."

Lara: "Nathan, is something wrong?"

Nathan: (Thoughts) "Why am I breathing so heavy? My vision is going blurry. What's happening to me?" His arm has red liquid coming out of his right arm with a black and red pincer sticking out.

Nathan: (Thoughts) "Is this blood? I'm gonna..." Lara's voice starts to fade as he falls down.

Lara: (Voice fading) "Nathan? Nathan! Oh, god! Stay with me. Stay with me!"
Nathan's vision got worse by the minute and Nathan kind of saw Lara ran out of her room to get Sully and the rest of the crew to take him to the medical room near the dining room. Nathan passed out. Lara went to get Sully and Jonah in the meeting room.

Lara: "Jonah, Sully!"

Jonah: "Lara, what is it? What's wrong?"

Lara: (Panting and panicking) "It's.... Nathan. He's...."

Sully: "Lara, tell us what happened."

Lara: "Nathan...passed out!"

Sully: "Oh...hell!"

Jonah: "What?! When?!"

Lara: "Just now!"

Sully: "Where is he?" Sully got up and also Jonah.

Lara: "In my room on the floor."

Jonah: "Okay, we better move him to the infirmary room and fast."

Sully: "Yeah, let's help him."

Lara: "Okay."

Jonah: "Men, follow our lead and help out Nathan." The crew went to Lara's room and picked up Nathan and took him to the infirmary room.

Sully: "Lara, move the supplies from off the table, so the men can lay down Nathan onto the table."

Lara: "Okay." She took all the medical supplies from off the table and the men put Nathan on the table.

Jonah: "Is anyone of you men are into a medical field? Anyone?" The men murmured until one of them is an old man goes by the name of Dr. Wong. He was the person who raised his hand.

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