Chapter 11: Run For Your Life!

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Late Afternoon in the city, Sully and Jonah are still looking for the crown pieces.

Sully: "This is really bad."

Jonah: "What?"

Sully: "Lara and Nate are still gone for hours and hours. I think...I think they're in real trouble and we're just not knowing it. I'm pretty worried."

Jonah: "Yeah, I'm starting to get worried too, Sully. We probably should start searching for them."

Sully: "Yeah." He took out his communicator. "Men, spread out and search the city. Lara and Nathan are missing. Repeat, Lara and Nathan are missing. Spread out and search."

Crew: "Nathan, Lara!" They're starting to look everywhere for them around the city.

Sully: "Come on, guys. You better not be dead." Meanwhile in Russian camp....Lara and Nathan were thrown in a cell together. Lara didn't fall flat on her face, she stood up and ran to the Russian man #1 and yelled in his face while he shut the cell door.

Lara: "This is not over and we will escape! You MONSTERS!!!" Lara was in rage and Nathan was still in pain.

Nathan groans. "Lara, are you there?" Lara was really worried and she ran and kneeled down next to him.

Lara: "Yes, Nathan. I'm here. I'm here."

Nathan: "I'm sorry, Lara. It's all my fault. I should've listened to you."

Lara puts her finger on his lips. "Shhh, don't talk. Save your energy."

Nathan: "No, listen. I should've followed what you said then none of this would've even happened in the first place."

Lara: (Whispers) "Stop."

Nathan: "I should've shut my mouth and followed what that soldier said, but I was acting like a butt head and got us into trouble. Now, look what I've done. I'm a screw-up."

Lara: "Don't say that. You're a good man. I wouldn't have made it this far without your rescue. You saved me, I saved you. It's 50-50."

Nathan: "Maybe. But still."

Lara: "Don't. Don't do this to yourself. Be proud that you're here with me and not killed. Clear?" Nathan puts his hand on top of hers. "Clear. Now, do you have an escape plan?"

Lara: "Maybe. Let me look around." She uses her survival instincts and she saw a bow, a recurve bow. "A bow. I see a bow."

Nathan: "A bow?"

Lara: "Yes, a bow on the other side of this cracked wall. I just have to figure out how to get to it that's all." She sees a loose pipe in the corner. (To self) "This pipe should do it." She pulls out the pipe like a boss and hit the wall like it was a baseball.

Nathan: "Be careful, Lara. That probably got a lot of attention."

Lara: "I know. Which is why we are getting the hell out of here."

Nathan: "Good point." The hole was pretty narrow when Lara got done hitting it.

Nathan: "Can you squeeze through?"

Lara: "I can try." She got through the hole.

Nathan: "Are you in?"

Lara: "I'm in."

Nathan: "Is it a way out?"

Lara: "No, just some rope and the bow."

Nathan: "That's something."

Lara: "Now, let's get out of here with some new gear."

Nathan: "Right." Lara aimed at the cell door with the rope attached to it and fired it. It connected to the door.

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