Chapter 10: On the way, to Cartagena, Colombia! Part II

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It's still daytime and Nathan is driving the ship and Lara is in her room, packing her things preparing for trouble. Lara checks in her bag to find the communicator and she did, but underneath her shirts is the pistols she used to kill Mathias last time when she dual wielded her pistols. It was a little rusty. So, Lara wiped the dirt off with a cloth and it was shiny and silver.

Lara: (Thoughts) "These might work out for a while just in case we get in a tight spot or about to be captured." She puts one of them in her bag and zips it.

Nathan: "Hey, guys. We're here!" Sully, Jonah and Lara got up from the bottom of the ship.

Sully: "Well, I'll be damned. You found Colombia. Good job, kid."

Jonah: "It's stunning."

Nathan: "Just as I remembered." The ship landed to shore.

Jonah: "This may be the last boat ride."

Sully: "Yep. It's about time we get off that boat. I almost puked."

Nathan: "Heh."

Sully: "What?"

Nathan: "Nothing."

Jonah: "So, how are we going to find the crown pieces?"

Nathan: "Easy. Find a map."

Lara: "But how? This city is pretty crowded."

Nathan: "I remember there was an antique store that has lots of maps. But we probably have to find it. Let's split up to look for it."

Sully: "Really? Again?"

Nathan: "Yes, again. You'll get used to it." He grabs Lara by the waist and they ran off to find the store.

Sully: "No, I won't." He turns around and walked with Jonah.

Jonah: "Sully, catch up."

Sully: "I am catching up."

(Switches to Lara and Nathan. They are walking side by side while other people are walking too.)

Nathan sighs. "Never thought of coming back to this place. It's kind of great to be back."

Lara: "Did you used to live here?"

Nathan: "No, no. I lived in South America. I came here as a 15 year old boy to get the Francis Drake's ring. And I got it. This place is where I met Sully. He kind of saved my skin."

Lara: "And that's how you guys became friends."

Nathan: "That's right. I'll never forget that memory." He grabs a nice red juicy apple while walking pass the flea market. "Here you go, Lara."

Lara: "Wh...Nathan, what the hell did you do? That's stealing. Put it back."

Nathan: "Why? I can still steal without getting caught."

Lara: "You were a troublemaker, weren't you?"

Nathan: "Once or twice."

Lara: "Wow. No wonder you're charming."

Nathan: "Well, I'm a charming kind of guy." A Russian man saw them talking.

Russian Man: (Speaks Russian) "Hey, you two!"

Nathan: "Uh-oh. We got trouble."

Lara: "Like I said charming."

Nathan: "Yeah, not now."

Russian Man: (Speaks Russian) "Hands over your heads!"

Nathan: (Whispers) "Uh, Lara, a little help here? I'm not very big on translation. What's he saying?"

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