The Second Encounter

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A black hooded figure tread through the woods. It was the silent hour, the only time at night that no noise was present. Not even the bugs in the woods made a sound. The figure kept on walking. They were not going to stop because they were looking for a special someone.

"If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs...

The figure stopped.

"Hmmm... Where is she?"

The figure looks at their surroundings. The woods were still, no stars in the sky. Although the full moon was illuminating the woods around them, it was still very dark. The figure continued to walk until they walked into a meadow, the trees were behind the figure and they looked beyond the woods into the endless meadow.


The figure turned around and looked back at the woods to see a twig was snapped before they could react when they heard a familiar shout.


The figure barely dodged.

"So, I finally found you..."

The figure said, very pleased.

"Who ar- No..."

The pursuer said in disbelief.


The pursuer took a step back not believing their own words.

The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies...

"Sora! You have to stop this madness! I know this is not what you wanted! It just can't be true!"

Sora walked closer to the pursuer.

"Oh... Kairi, Kairi, Kairi."

Sora laughed coldly.

"I chose this, this strength... to lead you back... to me!"

As Sora walked closer, Kairi saw under the hood and what she saw was yellow eyes glowing under the moonlight, full of insanity looking back at her.

"Your eyes... Sora! Who did this?!"

Kairi yelled trying to sound strong, but inside she was breaking down. She kept on backing into the woods, but Sora was slowly coming closer.

"You like my new look?"

Sora smiled, disappearing into the shadows of the forest.

As the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely...

Kairi looked around trying to see where Sora had gone. She shouted trying to get his attention back.

"Sora! This isn't you! Please... Fight it! Come back! This is not the answer!"

The woods were quiet... I can't see him. Kairi thought. Then an idea came to her mind. She raised her keyblade to the sky and shouted as best as she could.


The darkness around the forest had brightened up a bit and stars began to appear in the sky.

"You're getting stronger... Good..."

Kairi turned around and saw Sora smiling, but it wasn't the smile she was used to seeing.
Kairi leaped into the air, her keyblade aiming at Sora.

"Sora, I'm taking you back with me! Fire!"

She yelled and a fireball came out of her keyblade. Sora dodged it easy and when Kairi landed he was behind her. She turned around in seconds and both of their keyblades clashed.

Sora chuckled.

"Oh... I guess we could have a friendly match..."

Sora smiled coldly as Kairi looked at him in horror.

He cries to the moon, "If only, if only..."

"Looks like Project Z is working out perfectly..."

Said a voice watching the battle unfold.

Song credits: "If Only"
Artist: Fiction Plane
Album: Holes (2003)

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