Chapter 14: The Star Shard

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I had forgotten that Master Yen Sid wanted to speak with me. With all that had happened today this was in the very back of my mind.

"Yes, Master?" I asked, going in front of this desk.

"Kairi, the training partaken with Master Aqua has been bountiful in your growth. I must concur with Master Aqua, you have grown much in strength. The time has come for you to transmit your training with Master Aqua and explore other worlds alone." He said, sternly.

I stood there in shock. Have I gotten stronger? I don't really think so...

"But Master-" I started.

He raised his hand to stop me from continuing. Then he spoke.

"Kairi, you have doubted yourself since Sora's disappearance. You do not know the extent of your capabilities. This doubt plagues you from growing in power. Therefore, you must set out alone to break free from this doubt."

I looked down. Master Yen Sid's words reminded me of what Roxas had said early today. Maybe I have been too hard on myself. No, I am weak and this is what I have to do to get stronger.

Without looking up I said, "Master, you know what will make me stronger. So I will follow your orders, but why alone? How will that take away my doubt?"

"Kairi, if you travel with someone other than yourself, their power will over take yours in your mind. Thus, you'll think less of yourself. Going alone will strengthen you, even if you can't see it currently."


"No buts Kairi," He raised his voice, "You will go, you're the key to Sora's return. If there is someone who is coming after the people connected to Sora's heart, who's to say they won't come for you? Going to different worlds may help you not be found." He finished.

"I-" The door opened. Master Aqua had returned with the box Master Yen Sid asked her to get.

"Here you go Master." She said.

"Thank you Aqua. I will speak with you shortly. Please wait outside." He said when he grabbed the box from her.

"Understood." She said. Then she glanced at me before going. She looked concerned for me.

When she shut the door Master Yen Sid gestured for me to come closer. He slowly opened the box.

"Kairi, you will travel to different worlds with this." He showed me what was inside the box. It was a star looking gummy.

 It was a star looking gummy

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"This is a star shard. It will make you travel to other worlds, but be warned! Don't let others touch it when you travel. It will take them with you." He let me hold it, "This one is special, as it changes your appearance to protect the world order."

"How do you activate it?" I asked.

"This star shard activates when you open your heart to allow the star to take you somewhere to face your inner struggles." He answered.

I examined it more. I'm I really ready for this?

"Master I- When do I have to leave?" I gave him back the star.

He shook his head and placed the star back in my hands, "You will leave tomorrow. Keep the star, it's yours now." He then moved the box where the star was being held to the side of his desk, "Go and rest Kairi. We will speak more in the morning."

"Okay Master." I answered. With the star in hand I walked out Master Aqua waiting for me to leave. When she walked in the door, it shut behind her and I walked to my room still looking at the star shard.

When I reached my room I placed the star on a shelf then layed in my bed. I wonder where I will go?


When I saw the light coming from my window I knew it was morning. I didn't get a lot of sleep as I was anxious for today. I got up and yawned, grabbing the star. I headed out, but I didn't really know where I was supposed to go. I walked up the stairs to go to Master Yen Sid's study. I knocked and the doors opened wide open.

"Did you have a good night's rest?" Master Yen Sid asked.

"No, I was nervous. I know I have been to worlds before, but not alone like this." I answered.

"It's okay to be nervous." He said.

I nodded my head, "Okay." I whispered.

"Kairi, while on this quest for strength I must ask of you to keep an eye out for pages." He waved his hand on top of the desk to show a yellow book with a wand on the cover, "To help Roxas break his spell I called Merlin to come. When he arrived he had informed me that this book, which is key to breaking Roxas free from his spell, had lost the most important pages. They were scattered. Aqua is looking for them as we speak, but heed me when I say this. If you find any pages, get them and bring them back."

"How will I do that?" I asked.

"With the star shard, you will place the pages on the star and it will transfer them here." He replied.

Amazing... I thought.

"Now go." He said.

"How do I know when to return?" I asked.

"You will know." Then as almost a whisper he heard him say, "May your heart be your guiding key."

I left his study and went down the stairs. I heard laughter down the stairs and noticed a new door to my right. Ah, it must be Axel, Roxas, and Xion. They seem to be enjoying their stay. I smiled and continued to walk down. Once I reached the final door I took a deep breath. I didn't know how to work the star and I certainly didn't know if I could use it inside buildings. I should have asked the master... Oh well, I will try it out here. If all else fails I will go back and ask Master Yen Sid how to use this thing. Okay here it-

"Kairi!" I turned around, it was Roxas.

"Roxas?" I said as he ran up to me, "What are you doing here?"

"Master Yen Sid told us yesterday that you and Aqua were leaving and I wanted to give you this." He handed me a key chain.

"A key chain? Why would you give me this?" I asked

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"A key chain? Why would you give me this?" I asked.

"Axel was nervous because this is the first time you're going to a world alone. So I told him I will give you something to help you out." He pointed to the key chain.

"Thank you Roxas." I said, holding the chain and star close to my heart.

With that the star shard grew a light pink color I think I'm leaving I thought. Then I yelled to Roxas, "Don't come close! I'm leaving!" A bright light engulfed me and I felt being lifted up.

Sora, hang in there. I will get stronger to find you.

End of Arc One.

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