Prologue: Good Other

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It has been a year since Sora's disappearance. I thought, shaking my head as I walked to my room. My friends and I have been trying many methods in order to find a clue on where he went. I really thought I could have been of help... Especially since he is my other half. We tried searching for a sign of Sora in Xion's and I's memories, but nothing. I believe our last hope is Kairi who explored her own heart in search of Sora. She is still trying with the help of Ansem. I sighed. We can't give up.

The sun was setting just like it always does in Twilight Town. I smiled, at least that will stay forever.

"Roxas! There you are!"

"Hey Axel."

I said waving, as my friend came running towards me.

"Come on! Usually you're the early one Roxas. What's the hold up to your new room?"

Axel asked, crossing his arms at me. I chuckled.

"Sorry, Sora was on my mind."

Axel nodded.

"Yeah, I know when he is not?"

He patted my shoulder.

"Come on, let's go to your new room. Xion, Hayner, Pence, Olette and I tried our best to make it look similar to the one you had in the data Twilight Town. Man! That was too many names to remember at once! Anyways I can't believe it took so long for you to have a room!"

"Looks like I won't be sleeping with you or Xion anymore. Are you okay with that?"

I said, smiling a bit.

Axel looks at me with wide eyes. He held his stomach laughing so hard.

"Roxas!" He said wiping a tear, "Do you know how wrong that sounds?"

I blinked.

"What do you mean?"

Axel finished laughing.

"Nevermind, come on, let's go to your new room."

As we were walking he was shaking his head still smiling. What did I say that was so funny? We walked up to a door.

"Is this it?"

I asked Axel. He nodded his head.

"You ready?"


I said feeling a little excited. When he opened the door I saw Hayner, Pence, Olette, and Xion. I smiled a warm smile as I walked up to them.

"Don't look at us! Take a look around your room!"

Hayner said, slapping my shoulder. I smiled. I'm so glad I'm still able to be friends with Hayner, Pence, and Olette. Although I did meet them in the data version of Twilight Town I feel like over this year we got to become real friends.

I walked around the room.

"It looks just like the one in the data world..."

My friends tried their best to help me make me feel at home and I'm thankful for it.

"Yeah, but a lot cleaner!" Axel said, "I mean it was so hard to copy your room because it was so messy!"

"Hey! It was not that dirty..."

I said looking at him.

Everybody started to laugh and I joined them.
"Lets go to the tower! We have to celebrate this with Sea Salt ice cream!"

Xion said smiling.

"Yeah, let's do that," I said, "I will be right there, I want to look at my room for a little bit longer."


Xion said.

"Just make sure you don't leave us hanging!"
Axel said, ruffling my hair.


I said as everybody was walking out of my room. When they shut the door I immediately jumped on my bed and went to the window and opened it. It was the same view as before. I breathed in the cool air looking at the scenery. It can't get better than this... I thought to myself. The tower clock in Central Station rang, signaling that an hour had passed. It's getting late. Let's go before they start to worry. I thought to myself. When I turned around my heart skipped a beat. I was shocked.

"Sora? Is that you?"

Something was wrong with him. He was wearing a black coat, but I knew it was him. I don't know how I know, but it was him.
He smiled at me, but it was not the smile I always saw him with.

"Hello Roxas," He smirked, walking towards me slowly, "Mind if I talk to you for a bit?"

I didn't like this. Something is not right, I need to get out of here. No, I need to get to my friends. They would know what to do.

I didn't reply to him, instead I turned around and ran for the window. Good thing I kept it open! As I ran I heard Sora laugh wickedly.

"So it will be a game of cat and mouse... Oh how I love games..."

He said running after me.

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