Chapter 12: Xion

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It was as if everything was frozen. All I saw was the crown shimmering lightly over Xion. The whispers got stronger and louder.

Touch... Touch it... Wake her...

Almost hypnotized, I listened and reached towards it. Upon contact it shattered to pieces that flew in different directions at a quick pace. I shielded my eyes from the light that it produced and once that light faded away Xion gasped for breath.

"Xion!" Both Roxas and Axel said when she slowly arised from the bed.

I looked at my hands. What just happened? Did I wake her up? It was almost similar to when that crown appeared by Roxas...

"What happened?" Xion asked, blinking, "Is that Kairi?"

"Yeah, it's me. Hey Xion." I waved at her, shaking myself out of my thoughts. I let Roxas and Axel get closer to her, I knew they were more worried about Xion than me. I mean she is their best friend.

"Xion, did anything happen to you?" Roxas asked, grabbing her hand, "Did you see --- anyone?" I perked up my ears. Maybe she saw that person when in that daze.

"No... nothing happened, I just felt dizzy." I tried to hide my disappointment. I was hoping that she knew or saw who had attacked Roxas and me. She continued while I thought this, "The last thing I remember is going to the clock tower to eat ice cream, but," She looked outside, "It seems that it's been hours since then."

"Yeah, a lot has happened since then." Axle said, chuckling a bit.

"You sure you didn't see - Argh!" The spell binding Roxas probably activated as he held his head, not being able to say whatever he was going to say.

"Roxas! What's wrong?!" Xion asked starting to get out of bed to comfort him.

"No! It's okay, I'm okay. It's just a spell." Roxas said, "Don't get up yet! You just woke up."

"A spell? What do you mean? Roxas what happened?" Xion shook her head trying to process all this.

As Roxas explained what happened to him I patted Axel's back to get his attention.

"Axel, I'm going to get Luciana. Tell her that Xion woke up." I whispered, to not distract Roxas from telling his story.

"Alright, We'll try to catch Xion up on what's going on." Axel replied in a low tone.

I nodded and left them both to take care of Xion.

When I went down Master Aqua was talking to Luciana. Hayner, Pence, and Olette were with them listening.

I walked to all of them and Hayner, Pence, and Olette looked at me with anticipation.

"Is she okay?" They all asked.

I smiled and nodded. In almost a second all three of them got up and ran upstairs.

"I'll make her something in case she is hungry." Luciana sighed, looking like something was lifted off her shoulders, "Oh! I have to call off the doctor!"

She went up to her phone. Which was on a counter of the kitchen which left me and master Aqua alone.

I recalled when we were coming here how I ignored Master Aqua's advice to talk to someone and I was a bit worried that she would bring it up again. To my surprise however she didn't bring it up. It made me feel a bit guilty for trying to avoid her.

"Master..." I began.

"Yes, Kairi?" She asked.

"I saw that crown again, on Xion." I started, "The one that I saw that broke to pieces when with Roxas. It was almost the same. I... I even heard the voices again."

"What did they say this time?" She inquired.

"They said to wake Xion. When I touched the crown she woke up, but it seemed that Roxas or Axel didn't see what I did." I finished.

"I see. This all has to be connected. I suspect this has to do with something that you're a Princess of Heart, but I may be wrong." Master Aqua seemed worried, "What could this all mean?" I heard her say to herself.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and I turned around to see everybody coming down with Xion. They were all laughing and I felt a bit of sadness missing my friends Riku and Sora.

No time to linger on the past.

I walked up to them with a smile.

"Xion, are you hungry? Luciana is making something for you." I showed her.

"I guess we could eat before we go to Master Yen Sid." She giggled.

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