Chapter 1: The Inauguration of Kairi

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1 month before Roxas getting his room

I breathed in and out, Master Aqua held a steady stance. She was waiting for me to strike. A sweat beat moved slowly down my face and I got ready to attack. I squeezed my keyblade and I ran as fast as I could towards Master Aqua. She jumped up to avoid a head on collision. I smiled, that's what I wanted. I quickly placed my left foot to the ground and turned around as Master Aqua was in mid air.


I shouted and a fire ball came out of my keyblade. Before the fire ball could hit Master Aqua, she dogged it in mid air. For the split second that she dodged my mind began racing on what to do next. While I was struggling to think what to do next, Master Aqua went behind me and hit my back. The force of her keyblade made me drop to the ground. I groaned, but jumped back up to an attack stance. She pointed her keyblade to me and without even shouting threw an ice attack to me. I rolled out of the way, but to my dismay some of the ice got stuck on my leg. I couldn't move as fast now and Master Aqua took advantage of this as she came closer to me to do a close range attack. I got ready for the attack by trying to stand up to a fighting stance.


Our keyblades slam into each other. I pushed my keyblade forward trying to push Master Aqua's keyblade away from her hands. She pushed hers too. It was a duel on who was the strongest and I knew I was going to lose. She pushed hers stronger and I started to move a little back by the force. Master Aqua flinged her keyblade upwards and my keyblade went flying in the air. She pointed her keyblade towards me and in the distance I could hear my keyblade hit the ground with a thud. I sighed and Master Aqua lowered her keyblade.

"Kairi, you need to stop thinking that you're going to lose. With that kind of attitude you will lose."

She said as she went to get my keyblade. I nodded as I followed her.

"That's the end of our lesson for today. Go get some rest, okay?"

She said as she handed me my keyblade.

"Okay. Next time I will push harder!"

Aqua smiled.

"Now that's the attitude you're going to need in our next match!"

I looked at my keyblade, then at Master Aqua. I smiled softly.

"Thank you for letting me train under you Master Aqua."

"You say that every day Kairi."

She said as we walked to the room I was staying at.

"Well, I mean it. I want you to know that I'm thankful for your training. I think that without it, I wouldn't be able to help Riku find Sora in the long run. When he does come back that is..."

"Riku is not back yet?"

I shook my head no.

"Hasn't it been months since he left to find Sora?"

I nodded.

"No one has seen him, but I know he's okay."

I said, raising my head to the sky.

"Once I'm strong enough I will go with him to look for Sora."

I lowered my head.

"I just need to beat you..."

Master Aqua laughed.

"Then what will you do Kairi?"

I thought for a moment. What would I do?

"I haven't thought that far ahead to be honest."

I said, chuckling a bit.

"Well maybe you need to think about it."

She said as we reached the room.

"Yeah, you're right. Well thank you for the sparring lesson."

I said as I reached for the door. Master Aqua nodded, waved goodbye and headed to Master Yen Sid's room.

As I closed the door of the room that question came back to me. What will I do when I complete this training? It's not like I can go to Riku right after I'm done... Do I wait for him? How long will that take? Or do I try looking for Sora in a different place? I signed. Maybe I should go outside to think about it. I thought to myself as I looked out the window. It was the same scenery. I kinda got used to it by now, but it's definitely no beach. It was an island, but a floating one... Maybe that's why it's called Mysterious Tower. An endless starry sky and only one floating island to occupy it. As I looked to the starry sky I noticed someone moving on the island. They were walking close to the pine trees that surrounded the tower. Hmm... There should only be three people on this island. Master Yen Sid, Master Aqua, and Me... So who's that? I couldn't really see what they looked like because I was so high up on the tower. Wondering who it was, I left my room to go check. Maybe someone is here to tell us about Sora... No, if that was the case then they wouldn't be wondering, they would come into the tower to let us know...

After an exhausting walk on a numerous flight of stairs, I finally made it outside. I heard humming coming from the side of the tower. I walked in the direction of the song and then I saw a little girl walking along the pines. She was skimming the bark of the trees as she walked alone. When I was close enough for her to hear me coming, she turned around and smiled at me.

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