Prologue: All According to Plan

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"Ah, nothing can get better than this."

Axel signed as he bit another piece of his sea salt ice cream.

"Yeah... But where's Roxas? He should have been here by now."

Hayner said.

"Yeah I don't think it takes this long to look at a room. I mean it has been almost an hour and the sun has almost set. He wouldn't keep us waiting like this."

"Yeah you're right Olette!"

Said Pence.

"What do you think Xion? Should we go back to see if he's okay?"

Axel said, looking at Xion. Now that he looked at her, he noticed she hadn't said anything the whole time. She looked like she was in a daze. Her ice cream hasn't been touched either.


Axel said again.

When Axel said this it caught the attention of Hayner, Pence, and Olette. Xion didn't move, didn't talk. She just looked at the sunset, eyes blank.

"What's wrong with her?"

Olette asked, concerned as she looked at Xion.
"I don't know, but let's get her off the roof. She might fall..."

Axel said, lifting up Xion as she just stared blankly, not even blinking once.

"Maybe this happened to Roxas too..."

Hayner said, looking at Xion more closely.

Then Axel remembered what Roxas said early in the day Sorry, Sora was on my mind... When he thought about this he remembered when Xion, Pence, Hayner and Olette were setting up the room for Roxas he remembered Xion saying something about Sora as well. The words echoed in his mind Axel, I have a feeling Sora will be found soon... I don't know why, but after this lets look for him around here!

"Maybe this has something to do with Sora..."

Axel said almost whispering.

"What do you mean?"

Hayner asked.

Axel put Xion farther away from the ledge of the tower.

"They both told me they were thinking about Sora today. Xion even said that she believed he was close by."

Olette spoke up.

"Let's go check on Roxas! I would hate for him to be frozen like Xion in the middle of the town!"

"I agree!"

Pence said.

Axel picked up Xion again.

"Let's go! Xion is not as light as you think!"

As the group walked back to Roxas's room, Xion started to groan. The group got worried and Axel set her down. She curled up to a ball and it seemed she was muttering something. When Axel was going to tell the gang what they were going to do he looked back because he could have sworn he saw a hooded figure.

"What do we do? Should we take her somewhere where she can rest?"

Olette said.

Before anybody could say anything else they heard someone screaming a loud name. They heard the name Kairi...

The group ran to the sound of the screaming. Axel held on to Xion and when the screaming got louder and louder the group noticed that Xion was beginning to cry. The screaming was unbearable and it was hard to tell who was the one screaming, but as they got closer and closer they noticed it was coming from Roxas's room.


Axel said, but no one could hear him from the screaming. Axel yells the loudest he could to everybody.

"Take Xion away from here! I think this is affecting her!"

It was barely audible, but Pence, Hayner and Olette nodded as they took Xion from Axel. Axel ran to Roxas's room and tried to open the door, but it had a seal. He tried to use his keyblade because hey it could open any lock, but no luck.

The word Kairi got stronger and louder. Axel couldn't think straight with the screaming, but there had to have been a reason why he was saying Kairi... Axel sighed. He promised to never use this again, but he needed to save his friend. Good thing he brought his coat... He summoned a portal or what they are actually called, corridor of darkness, and walked through it. His last thought was don't worry Roxas. I will get help.

End of the prologue...
Now the story can really begin...

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