Chapter 11: Olette's House

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Roxas, Hayner, and Axel all ran ahead of Master Aqua and I. It was dark out and both Master Aqua and I didn't know Twilight Town as well as the others. We had to watch our step as it was really dark out with only a few lampposts to brighten the path. It didn't take long to get to Olette's house. It looked cozy, similar to the rest of Twilight Town's buildings. Hayner opened the door to the house and a burst of warm air hit me when I entered. It made me realize how cold it was outside.

The house was a warm brown color with a soft rug when you entered. I looked around really quickly to see a kitchen on the left with similar colors to that of the town, with a living room before that. Some stairs leading up were on the right. It was different from the houses I grew up in Destiny Islands, which were more bright with an airy feeling. While this house felt warm and relaxful.

Hayner went towards the stairs and shouted, "I'm back! Roxas is okay!"

After a few seconds Olette, Pence and an older woman came down the stairs.

"Roxas!" Olette and Pence yelled in unison.

Roxas ran up to them and Olette and Pence hugged him.

"We were so worried!" Olette said letting go of the hug.

"What happened?" Pence asked.

"It's a lot to explain, but that's not important right now." Roxas looked to them, "Where is Xion?"

"She is in my room. She is in a weird daze. She won't respond to anything." Olette answered, "Come one we'll show you."

She and Roxas started to go up the stairs, we all tried to follow, but the older lady spoke up before we could get on the stairs.

"You might overwhelm her if all of you are up there and I don't even think that room can hold all of you."

"Right, I keep on forgetting how small these rooms are..." Axel said.

I walked towards the lady with Master Aqua. "I'm sorry," I said, "It's just I'm nervous and curious to see what really happened to her."

"I understand. I find it so strange, I have never seen anything like this before. I called the doctor, but they haven't come yet. I don't know what to do. It worries me to know one of my daughter's friends is... well not okay." The lady said.

"It's okay madam," Master Aqua spoke up addressing her concerns, "We came with Roxas because we are trying to help her in any way we can."

The lady smiled, "Thank you, may I get you two's name?"

"I'm Aqua and this is my student, Kairi." Master Aqua pointed to me and I waved, then I held out my hand to shake her hand.

"I'm Luciana, Olette's mom." She shook my hand and then Master Aqua's, "Please come sit while the others check on Xion. Axel, would you mind getting some snacks out of the cabinet?"

"Okay, I will be right back." He said and walked to the kitchen.

We sat in the living room on a very comfy couch. I could see Axel getting the snacks as the kitchen was just a few feet away from the living room. As Axel came with the snacks and sat down with us Hayner and Pence came down.

"Axel, do you want to see her?" Hayner asked.

Axel nodded.

"Could I come too?" I asked.

"I don't see why not we'll wait out here." Pence said, as both him and Hayner walked towards the living room. Axel and I went up the stairs.

"This way." Axel walked straight to an upcoming room. The door had a cute little sign that said 'Olette's Room' with orange flowers covering the side of the sign. Axel opened the door and let me enter the room first. Xion was laying on a bed, her eyes were opened it looked like she was staring at the ceiling. Roxas was sitting beside her a bit sad.

"Roxas has she moved at all?" I asked.

"No..." He looked defeated, "She is still frozen."

Axel walked up to him, "It's okay. We'll figure this out together. This isn't the first time something like this happened."

"What do you mean?" I was baffled that this wasn't the first time.

"When we were in the organization, something similar happened to the both of us. When Naminé was messing with Sora's memories." Roxas answered not moving his sight from Xion.

"Oh-" I started, but I started to hear whispers again, similar to the ones that told me to open Roxas's door.

The crown.... Crown....

I began to notice a ghost figure of a crown shimmering on Xion's chest.

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