Chapter 5: Should I listen?

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"What do you mean?" Master Aqua questioned, "Didn't you say you needed Kairi?"

"Well, Roxas is only yelling Kairi's name and with the screaming, all I could think was that Roxas needed Kairi."

Axel answered.

"So I'm going to go to Roxas?"

I asked.


Axel said nodding.

"Then what?"

Master Aqua asked, raising her voice a little.

Axel shugged.

"Don't know. Maybe that is all he needs. A connection to Sora. Just like how he needed one for him to be whole."

"I just hope you're right..."

I said.

I really do hope that's all he needs. That this turned out to be not that serious... As the train arrived and we got out, I thought to myself wow, we got here faster than what I expected. When we left the station we could hear a faint yell.

"Is that Roxas?"

Master Aqua asked.

"I think so..." Axel said, looking worried, "Come on! We don't have time to talk!"

We followed Axel trying to catch up to his pace. The yelling got louder and stronger. The people of Twilight Town were panicking, running around and covering their ears. I heard a little girl whimper and cried 'Mommy, it hurts, make it stop...' as we ran. The closer we got to Roxas, the more you could hear 'KAIRI!' I began to get a little bit scared. What is making him yell like this? Axel made a sharp turn and we followed behind until he opened a door and went up some stairs. Master Aqua got her keyblade out and I followed. The yelling was unbearable, my ears began ringing from the high pitched screaming. Then the stairs stopped another turn and there was Axel trying to use a keyblade on a weird barrier around a door. He was saying something, but it was inaudible from the screaming. I walked up to the door and the screaming began to fade from my ears. I heard a soft whisper.

Your keyblade... You're the key... Open the door...

It went over and over again. I saw Master Aqua try her keyblade on the barrier, but it didn't work. Hearing the voice over and over again I knew what I had to do. I lifted my keyblade and it began to glow a bright white on the tip. The barrier began to glow a soft yellow and then it began to dissolve. Axel smiled, trying to  say something. Only I heard the whispers again.

Inside... Go inside... You're the key... Kairi...

Axel opened the door, but instead of seeing a room, it was pitch black. Axel and Master Aqua covered their ears, but the only thing I heard was that whisper.


I walked up to the door and placed one foot inside the room. I heard the muffle voice of Master Aqua, but it was too unclear to understand what she was saying. I looked back to look at her, but something grabbed me and pulled me into the room. The last light I saw was the door and Master Aqua's and Axel's hands reaching out to me before the door slammed shut. I was sinking, feeling a weight tugging on me, pulling me deeper into this abyss. It didn't last long though as I began to see light again coming from me. I kept on sinking but my light was growing stronger by the second. Then the tugging stopped and I felt someones back behind me. I turned around to see Sora. He looked like he was stuck in something. His blue eyes looked desperate to speak. I tried to say something to him, anything but I couldn't. Instead of speaking, I held out my hand to grab his.

Turn around... Not him...

Surprised to hear the whispers in this silence, I turned around. It was Roxas holding on to something. I was able to move my legs and walked towards Roxas. Before I reached him I looked to see Sora again, but he was gone. I tried to talk back but my legs could only bring me to Roxas. When I reached him he looked blank as he held a crowned necklace. Not being able to speak I reached out to Roxas, when my hand touched his shoulder all of this pain went into my head. I tried to scream, but couldn't, I let go of him shaking a little. Is this what he is feeling? I wondered.

The crown... The crown... Grab it... Wake him up... Crown...

The voice no longer was a whisper but was loud and stern. I listened and reached for the crown. When I touched the crown it shattered into pieces. Then my light faded and the weight came back pulling me. I saw the pieces of the crown shooting into different places, it looked like shooting stars, then I felt a jolt and I woke up in a room. It was Roxas's room. I raised my head to see a hooded figure.

"Hello Kairi..."

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