Chapter 3: Sparring Session

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It has been a month after the encounter with the strange girl. Sometimes she comes into my mind. Especially when she told me that she can tell me where Sora is, but other than that nothing has changed. The girl never came back and every time I tried to talk about her to Master Aqua or Master Yen Sid nothing came out of my mouth. I always wondered why. I can think of her, but I can't speak of her. Why?

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

It was Master Aqua that came through the door. She smiled at me.

"Ready for another sparring session?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, let's go."

We walked to the training grounds and stood a few feet apart. Master Aqua went into her attack stance and I followed. I wanted to make sure I was able to get a clean hit this time. I still haven't been able to beat her, but this time I had a plan. I won't give her any breathing time and when she strikes me I will doge.

I started the battle by running head on. Master Aqua leaped into the air. She always does this to avoid a head on collision, but I found a way to counter it. I raised my keyblade up and pointed it to Master Aqua.


I yelled and a blinding light was shot upwards. Master Aqua had to shield her eyes from the light. I jumped up when she was regaining focus and attacked her with my keyblade doing a five hit combo. With the force of my keyblade she was taken aback a few feet away from me. I knew I couldn't give her any breathing time so I used another spell.


With this spell, Master Aqua was frozen for a few seconds. So I ran up to her while she was frozen and began attacking her again. This time however when the few seconds were up she attacked back. She did a slide slash which knocked me back a little and while I was recovering, Master Aqua shot ice out of her keyblade. I countered it by using my fire attack. I saw Master Aqua smiled a little, but I had no time to rest. I ran to her and instead of jumping as she usually does, she ran to me. She was no longer going to back down. When I attacked, we collided and I pushed my keyblade hard against hers. I was not going to lose this time! I lost too many times for me to learn not to have a losing attitude. I pushed harder and harder and so did Master Aqua. I started to move back a little, but I kept on pushing. I pushed and pushed then I noticed Master Aqua was slowly going back as I kept on pushing. I knew I had a good grip on Master Aqua. So I did the trick that she always does to me. I pushed my keyblade forward, but instead of her keyblade being sent flying, she just tumbled back. Although I was confused on why it didn't work I didn't hesitate to go on the offense. I ran up close to her and began to attack her. Back and forth our keyblades clashed. I was getting tired, however I kept on pushing and pushing. Master Aqua jumped into the air trying to make some room, so she can use her ice attack, but I didn't let her. I followed her and shouted out of breath.


The fireball got her left leg ruining her jump. So instead of landing gracefully, she fell from the sky. When she hit the ground with a thud her keyblade vanished. I let go of my keyblade and ran up to her.

"Master Aqua?"

I asked bending down to lift her back up.

"Congratulations Kairi. You finally beat me."

Master Aqua got up from the ground and smiled at me.

"Let's go tell Master Yen Sid of your accomplishment."

I smiled. I knew I still had a long way to go, but this first step was key to finding Sora.

Get stronger Kairi, then I will tell you where Sora is.

Were the words that came through my mind when I saw the portal. It was one of the portals the organization used to use. When Master Aqua and I saw it we summoned our keyblades. Ready for anything. I quickly used a cure on Master Aqua before anybody came out of the portal because she still looked tired from the sparring lesson. We saw a figure running out of the portal and I was ready to attack, but instead it was Axel. I put my keyblade down.


I asked in disbelief. What made him come here through one of those portals? I thought he said he would not use them anymore...

"Thank goodness you're still here Kairi!" Axel signed in relief, "Something is wrong with Roxas and I think it has something to do with Sora."

Master Aqua stepped in front of me.

"Come with us Axel, we have to tell Master Yen Sid about this."

Axel nodded, but he looked a little worried.

"Okay, but let's make it quick. Roxas needs Kairi's help."


I asked. Why does he need my help?

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