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The world is quiet. Not a car or even dog making a sound. I was told to wait here. It's been a few hours since the world went quiet.

Mum told me she'll be back. She said it'll be ok. I never believe her word, she is a liar.

Yet she'd never abandon me right? If I move from here and she comes back, she'll punish me.

I hate the cigarette burns and bruises that I still have. Sleeping on piles of trash in my room, she never cleans.

I immediately noticed the crunch of footsteps, a figure walking towards me.

"Young one. why are you alone here? Didn't you hear? There's an emergency. The city is under attack" stated the person.

"Is it? I was told to wait here" I explained, they knelt by the swing I sat on and examined me.

"Why are you burnt child?" They asked, I guess they saw the cigarette burn on my cheek.

"Oh don't mind that, I just annoyed mum" I explained. It really isn't a big deal.

"Are you disobedient child? To your mother?" They asked, I examined them.

"Sometimes when I'm hungry enough and my stomach hurts, I steal her food." I explained, they lifted my chin.

"I see. You aren't a naughty child then. Just mistreated. Will you come with me? I don't have much time" they said.

"Mum said..." I began, they tutted and held my hand. I followed them and looked back, the swing still moving. Maybe mum would have played with me if I was a better child.

They walked me down the field and entered a strange car. I sat inside, I've never been at a front seat before, mum's barely driven me anywhere.

Their form shimmered and I watched curiously, the shape was changing slightly. They resembled a monster, sharp claws, sharp teeth, predator eyes. Not as scary as my nightmares, honestly I'm used to monsters in my dream, I didn't even fear them.

"I'm sorry to scare you. I was hoping the illusion would last longer" they sighed.

"It's ok. I've seen worse at home" I said, they seemed to tighten their grip on the steering wheel.

"As long as you know how to do as your told, you'll do fine. With food everyday" they explained.

"I'd like that, I'll be good!" I decided, the idea of food convincing, my stomachs been so empty this week.

They pulled through into a strange place. I guess I disobeyed mum, but I'll get good so... This could be good.

(Just want to add something cute at the end of this sad one, so here's a cute human pet short, thought it'd be nice to look at after the abuse and neglect in the first story, two in one!)

"Master!" I called, yawning and rubbing my eyes, I wandered around the house and saw that master had locked himself into a room to work.

I groaned and went to eat and drink. I ran around outside and got excited as I heard master exit his room.

I ran inside and excitedly hung around him. He briefly patted me as he talked on the phone.

He left and I frowned. I just wanted to cuddle. Master is such a busy body.

I ran to a window and watched him drive off. I waited and fell asleep.

He returned and I met him immediately, waiting for a pat or hug. He picked me up and held me against his side. I hugged him and giggled happily.

He sat on the couch and patted me, allowing me to curl up and be happy. I pressed against him and whined, he wasn't patting me enough and kept looking at his phone.

"You're so needy." He chuckled, I buried my head at the crook of his neck and relaxed on his lap.

He stroked me and looked at his phone. I kissed his cheek and went back to the crook of his neck. I love master so much!

"I have to clean the house soon" he said, but he won't move, not now that I'm here

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