Predator and prey

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It had been a successful hunt. The score was good. Having found a bustling nest. It was wiped out easily, we'll be eating well tonight.

"Found another one!" Called someone, I glanced over, still cleaning my arrows. I could hear the squeals before I could see it.

It was a small one, pale body covered by some leaves. It must be one of the young. This must have been a breeding nest, there must have only been one successful breeding this season.

It hung from its leg as its small arms waved about, the long brown mane with some fur along it's arms and legs.

"Barely any meat on this one. On the younger side. Joel, you deal with it" shouted someone, tossing the small thing at me. I watched it hit the ground with a pained cry.

I grabbed its leg and carried it as it squealed.

I moved to tie it down so I could quickly end it's misery, the thing wouldn't survive without its pack.

It grabbed onto me and clung stubbornly, I tried to hit it away, I don't want to be bitten by it.

I picked up a tool and moved to hit it, to get it to let go. It fell away before I even could hit it. It was reaching for something.

I looked to the side and noticed a hanging piece of rope. I examined it, it seemed to be made of vines. The creature seemed to want it, so I shrugged and handed it over. It hugged the thing to it's chest and seemed to be in distress.

That's right, I'm not here to play with it, I need to get this over with. Maybe it'll make a good soup or something.

I picked up the axe and moved to tie the creature to the ground to make it quicker.

It cried out and curled around itself as I grabbed it again. I sighed and tried to lie it flat, I hardly want to kill it painfully.

It stared up at me pitifully, moisture around it eyes, the face had reddened considerably. It seemed to know what I was doing.

I've never seen one so close like this. Some I've had to kill up close, sure. But this one wasn't dying like all the ones I've killed before. It was still alive and healthy, unharmed. Admittedly it's kind of cute. But a pest, I need to hurry up and kill it.

I lifted the axe once more, it cringed, looking away, whimpering.

"Don't start that" I muttered. This shouldn't be this hard. I've killed countless before.

I dropped the axe and groaned. Why does it feel so wrong?! It'll die without it's pack anyway.

It had looked back at me, shaking and whimpering. Bright, eyes filled with life. Hadn't even tried to attack me or put up much of a fight.

I hate this guilt.

I hesitantly untied it and pushed it to make it move.

"Get going" I told it. It scrambled away from me, holding the vine close. I watched it run into the brush and I returned to the hunters.

They were already cooking some of the catch and it smelt lovely.

"Joel! Hey man! What happened with the pup?" Asked one of the hunters.

"Tossed it out for the animals to eat. Not really worth keeping" I told him, to embarrassed to admit I backed out of killing it. Hoping that whatever animal that finds it, will kill it quickly.

"Good plan! Come and enjoy the feast! We'll get some rest then carry the rest of the catch to the town." He exclaimed, patting my back and leading me to the campfire.

We ate and laughed, speaking of home and the sleep we'll get and alcohol we'll drink.

We turned to the carriages once we put out the fire and I picked up my weapons to put them away.

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