The ice planet

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(Warning, the story does contain sexual scenes. also any text between *"..."* is not understood by the character, only used to show the reader what they're saying)

My chest ached as I drew in a breath. I felt like oxygen was running out, maybe it was. The ship was crashing and there was no way to stop it now. Something in the system had exploded. Maybe the control wiring had overheated. The alien captain of the ship was dead already, in direct line of the explosion. He was a good captain, he will be sorely missed, if we make it out alive ourselves. The ship was shaking as if we were in an earthquake. The hanging fixtures swayed dangerously. We hadn't intended on landing on a planet, coming here only to inspect the solar system. Someone was screaming. Someone else was trying to find a control that could override the system and put it into autopilot. I groaned and struggled to stand, staring in horror as we were just a flaming mass crashing near what looked like water, it wouldn't soften the fall though.

"I think the emergency landing procedure is working, everyone hold on tight and fucking pray!" Shouted what sounded like the second in charge. I clung tight to a chair, and everyone was loudly mumbling, the ship jolting and rocking as we broke through the various atmospheres. Hopefully, there is oxygen. For a moment it felt like we were floating, I clung tight. The screaming and bang of metal reached my ears as my body crashed violently back into the ground.

I weakly lifted my head. I'm alive? How?! I sobbed, unsure if it was out of relief or fear. My body hurt everywhere. Blood was leaking along the floor, it didn't seem to be mine. I dragged my sore and weak body to the air-tight chamber, hoping to see if I could fix anything. I cried out and collapsed, rolling out onto sand. My chest ached and I looked around, the ship had partially hit land, crumbling and folding in on itself.

"Hey! You're alive! Fuck I thought I was alone" gasped a voice. I looked up from my inspection on the ship and watched the crewmate, Harry.

"We need- ow fuck- we need to fix the ship" I groaned. He looked at me, blood leaking off of him. 

"I think we're going to die here. Everyone is dead and the system is fried. There's only finishing unfinished business" he groaned, collapsing beside me. He held me close, and I relaxed, thinking he was just trying to be comforting.

"You know, I've always liked you- shit I can't stop the bleeding" he groaned, collapsing against me slightly. I gasped in pain and tried to weakly push him away, not blaming him for being weak from pain and blood loss.

"I really wanted you for so long. Give me this, a dying man's wish, I'll make our deaths so pleasant" he groaned. I didn't understand. He began pulling at my clothes suddenly.

"Stop! What are you doing?! We need to get more medicine! Don't just give up!" I shouted, my voice hoarse and crackling. He ignored me though, tearing at his and my clothes as I fought against him. Confused and scared. He was surprisingly strong in his weak state. I couldn't move anymore, my body still stiff and sore, too much so to move. He suddenly collapsed off to the side. I breathed heavily and dragged my body away. Covered in his blood. I gagged and looked around, freezing as I saw a couple of unusual creatures.

I collapsed weakly. Whimpering at the pain. The creatures nudged the unconscious body of Harry, he was dying slowly and luckily unable to feel the pain. They had weird pig-like feet, they stood tall and strong. Kind of humanoid, with cat-like eyes, a light layer of stripy fur and spikes at their elbows.

"Please, help us" I croaked, knowing it was futile, aliens don't speak English. They were poking and touching me, seeming confident as I didn't fight. I yelped and tried to move away as they touched a sore spot. They barred sharp teeth and stood around showing off their spikes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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