Frist day of class

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Jimin walks in and sees two people already inside. She walks up to them and get gestured by a tall man siging

A pale man turns to her

She raises her hands and starts to sign «I am deaf. Is it okay if I sign»

The pale male nods «Of course. I am mute so Sign is my form of communication too. What is your name amd your Sign»

«How did you know I have a Sign»

«You are deaf. You can give them out and get one»

Jimin smiles widely «Not many people know about our cultural. Thank you so much»

Yoongi nods

«I am» Jimin spells out Park Jimin

«Hi J-I-M-I-N-S-S-I»

Jimin shakes her head «Just» she makes a flat hand and make a "J"

Yoongi repeats the motion and Jimin smiles widely «Yes. Perfect»

Yoongi nods and looks up then quickly signs to the male standing next to me «Go. Outside»

The male walks away and Yoongi focuses back on Jimin «Sorry. People are coming»

Jimin nods «Will the teacher mind us talking»

Yoongi shakes his head

«Is the male outside the teacher»

Yoongi shakes his head again

Jimin gets confused «Oh. You are the teacher»

Yoongi nods «Mr Min»

«My schedule says Y-O-O-N-G-I»

«My frist name»

«Which one should I call you»

«Mr Min for now»

Jimin nods then looks at the ground confused

Yoongi softly taps her shoulder twice

Jimin holds up a one and looks at the mirror behind Yoongi at the person entering the room then Signs to him «Are you the interpreter»

The man signs «So-so»

Jimin gets confused

«Yoongi is my best friend and I took interpreter classes just never got fully certified. Money probelms»

Jimin nods and keeps talking through the mirror «So why are you here»

«You know who he is»

Jimin nods «Put two and two together. Why are you here if no one is»

«About to tell Yoongi»

Jimin nods and moves out of the way, standing at the wall

The taller male signs «Thank you» at her

Jimin nods

The taller male walks to Yoongi and shakes his head «No one knows Sign or Code. They are all switching to other people. I tried to suggest them but no one listened. They all seem to think they are either deaf or mute or both. I do not know what to do. We are failing and this is ours»

Yoongi nods «Go to the office and tell them. I am so sorry Bug»

He shakes his head «It is not your fault»

«This happens every year. You guys can not get students because they all sign to me frist and then switch out before they even take my class. I keep making us lose more and more students because I am mute. I am so so sorry Bug. I keep trying to work on it but I have no motivation to learn. This keeps making me want to stay forever. I already do not have friends outside of you guys. This is literally all of my fault. We just need at least three students since you and J-I-N work together»

«We will get them. Do not worry»

«If we do not get students soon our program will close and all because of me»

«No. Calm down. It will work out»

Yoongi shakes his head

"E--use --e" A sweet voice cuts in and both look at her

«Using my vocal cords is hard. So here» Jimin signs and holds out her phone

Joon walks over and looks at the screen then walks to the door, peaking out then gestures to Yoongi to come over

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