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Yoongi guides Jimin back to where everyone is

Jimin knocks on the cart twice loudly

Everyone stops talking and looks towards the sound then gasps

Joon quickly stands up and takes the glasses from Yoongi then Jin and Hobi break the glasses apart and starts passing out the glasses while Jimin carefully walks to Tae and Kook carrying a plate in each hand

They smile as wide as possible as she walks between them and sets their plates down in front of them then gets handed their glasses by Hobi. She sets them down in front of their plates carefully. Once she does; she stands up holding their shoulders tightly

Tae looks up at her and she kisses his head twice

Tae smiles widely at her "Baby, did you make these??"

She shakes her head then nods

Kook watches then hums "Babe"

Jimin kisses his head twice

Kook smiles widely at her "How did you sort of make these??"

She shakes her head

"How is it a secert, baby??"

Jimin sticks her tounge out at Tae who pouts

Kook giggles at them and Jimin looks at him "Why is it a secert, babe??"

She shakes her head again while sticking out her tounge at him

Kook now pouts

Jimin smiles widely at both of them and ruffle their hair a lot causing them to laugh loudly

Do-- Yoon knocks loudly on the table twice and Jimin looks over at him

Do-- Yoon smiles widely at him "Thank you for cookies and I apologize that we shut out. We will all work on being more considerate of both you and Yoon"

YoonMin shake their heads and Yoongi taps on Do-- Yoon's neck while Jimin signs quickly

'I have handled it for basically my entire life and you know it. You basically raised me. Do not say that just because I scolded Nam for doing the same thing. I can tell she does not like pity or hand outs based on what she has told me of her past. I will just contuine to leave. It has worked up until now. When I am there around everyone it is basically as if I am not there anyways. So I will just keep leaving and stay in my places'

While Jimin signs at the same time «No. Please no. Do not apologize. I am very used to it. Expect this time was different. I was with someone else who actually helped me through it and to make it better. He actually listened to me when I spoke and actually understood what I meant on ways no one else does. Then he took me to the kitchen and kept reasuring me that it actually was okay to be there with him. He let me pick out what I wanted to make and helped me make it. I got to see him work and he showed me all over the restuarant and let me help with the laundry. Then. Then. He told me what happens when we make mistakes. No more yelling in my ears or getting beaten up or kicked or slammed through walls or thrown down stairs or literally anything. We will just get scolded very very kindly and if I get scared by it from JIN or JOON or even HOBI I can tell him and he will talk to them and it will be better. So. Do not worry. I had fun. I was not just sitting at a table surrounded by people talking to everyone but me and just leaving me out like always. Well. When I am not with» Tae's hand sign «or» Kook's hand sign «It was actually really fun. I got to know him better yet I still have a lot more to learn about him. Same goes for him with me. So I really do not mind it. Now. That being said. I do appericate the apology. That is more than most have done for me my whole life. Also. Who is dating who and who is who. I tried to keep up but it was too much. I am so sorry»

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