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"Hey, Hyung!!" Anna beams

Yoongi nods 'Min can you please pick up the phone'

She nods and reaches forward, grabs the phone and sits back up

Yoongi softly takes it and calls Bree

"Mom, I'm almost home!! Great to hear from you!!"

Yoongi moves the camera back

"Yoongi Hyung!!" Bree beams "Great to see you!!"

He nods and merges the calls

"Anna!! I miss you!!"

Anna laughs some "You just saw me yesterday, B"

"Doesn't mean I don't miss you!!"

Anna laughs more

Jimin sets the phone back down and scoots it back so everyone's in full display

«AN and B» Yoongi signs

"Yes??" Both asks happily

«When talking please sign. JIMIN or» dance with a J «The girl on my lap can not hear right now and she is mute like me. So I want her to be able to understand everyone»

Bree signs and talks {Okay Hyung}

{Who are the extra people now} Anna asks

«Our other dads»

Anna nods

{Oh. I want to meet everyone}

Yoongi nods 'Go Min'

She smiles widely «I am JIMIN. Hyung is my dance teacher»

{Aww. So sweet} Bree coos

Jimin nods happily

Everyone introduces their selves

They talk for awhile before the nurse comes over to the happy chatting people and glares at Yoongi

Yoongi looks at her wile softly tapping on Jimin's hip and Jin's thigh 'I swear if this nurse fucks with us'

Jin looks at her and she specks to him "Do you have an appointment, sir?? You have been here for awhile"

"Am I bothering anyone??" He asks calmly


"Who??" Jin asks looking around and back at her "There's no one here"


"You don't count because you have office in the back that you can go to any time"

"And I can still hear you"

Jin snorts "You can hear people moving their hands??"

"Yes" She says with an annoyed voice

Jin hums "Last I checked, you can't"

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