Showing Jin

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"Okay, Yoon. What'd you want to show me??"

«Ah. Follow me»

"Copy. Copy"

Yoongi walks away and Jin follows

"Ah. The laundry room??"

Yoongi nods and opens the door, sees no one inside and walks in

Jin walks in and closes the door "Is there really something you wanted me to fix??"

Yoongi hops on top of the dryer while shaking his head

Jin nods and sitd on the ground facing Yoongi

He softly pats the dryer next to him

"Want me to sit up there next to you??"

Yoongi nods and scoots off center

Jin stands up and walks over then softly pushes Yoongi to the center of the white dryer then climbs up next to him

Yoongi lays on his side in a ball on Jin's lap

"Aww, Yoonie Boonie" Jin whisper, softly scratching Yoongi's head

'I sleep'

"Okay, Yoonie Boonie"

Yoongi raises his thumb to this mouth

"That bad??"

Yoongi nods and sucks his thumb and taps on Jin's knee 'Too much cover'

"I get it, Boonie"

'How do you handle it Hyunie'

"I have gotten up to go to the bathroom and just stayed outside of it, sitting on the floor and just rocked"

'But Hyunie'

"What's wrong, Boonie??"


"Why are you scared, Boonie??"

'Just got someone who actually fully understands me in a way only you have'

"Boonie" Jin whispers

Yoongi curls up in a smaller ball

Jin softly kisses Yoongi's head twice


"Okay, Boonie"

'Not long Hyunie'

"Okay, Boonie"

'Love you Hyunie'

Jin kisses Yoongi's head twice "I love you, too, Boonie"

Yoongi nods and Jin softly picks him up and puts him on his lap

Yoongi curls up even smaller and sucks his thumb more while falling asleep

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