Nam's room

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Once everyone gets out, Yoongi locks the door, waves bye to lady and guides Jimin to the car, taps the hood twice, opens her door and Jin's, watches Jimin slide in and puts her seat belt on then closes her door. Looks at Jin talking to the dads, walks around the trunk, taps it six times, goes to his side, opens his door, slides in, starts the car, puts his seat belt on and close the door

Jin slides in a few minutes later, shuts the door, slides to the middle of the seat and puts his seat belt on "Okay, Yoon"

He nods and drives out the parking lot watching everyone follow him to the light

He puts his hand palm up and Jimin grips it tightly

As soon as the light turns green, Yoongi drives forward and watches everyone spilt up

He drives to the school, parks by the dance building, lets go of Jimin's hand, undoes his seat belt, pushes the door out, gets out, opens the door behind him while shutting his door, walks around to the trunk, taps it eight times, walks around to Jimin's door, softly pulls it open, waits for her to get out and softly shuts the door

She hugs him softly, nuzzlingly her face deep in his chest

Yoongi smiles some and hugs her tightly

"You are so brave, Hyungie. Thank you so much for protecting us" She says muffled

Yoongi kisses her head six times "Of course, baby. I will always protect my family"

Jin softly taps the hood twice and rubs Yoongi's head "Thanks, Yoongles"

"Of course, Jinnie. You know I will always protect you"

"Still my responsibility"

"I am the body guard. Therefore, it is mine"

Jin sighs "Okay"

Yoongi kisses Jimin's head six more times "Baby, we gotta go inside"

"Are they even there??"

"Yup. I made sure you would miss every class expect dance"

"Thank you"

"Of course, baby"

She sighs and lets him go "Okay. But, I'm going to get kidnapped"

"We are too"

Jimin looks at Jin "Yup. My boyfriends are clingy"

"Taetae and Kookoo are too"

"Are you going to let them hear you??"

"Yup!!" Jimin beams bouncing some

Jin looks at Yoongi who sighs and rolls his eyes "Yeah. I guess so. Tried of not being able to use my vocal cords"

"Same!!" Jimin beams

Jin nods and looks at Jimin "How are your ears??"

Jimin hums "I'm not really sure"

Yoongi pops the trunk and looks at Jin "Go get the ear thing"

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