Broken sculpture

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They all get off and stand up looking at the three people in front of them

Tae spins Jimin around

«Oh. Hi» she signs

«Hi» they all sign at once

«I am J-I-M-I-N or» she does her sign

«Hi» they all do her sign

Jimin smiles widely and bounces «You can use your vocal cords. I can read lips»

"Okay" Soobin says "I am Soobin"

«S-O-O-B-I-N» Jimin says copying Yoongi's motions

He nods "Yup"

Jimin nods

"I'm Yeonjun"


He smiles and nods "Yup"

Jimin nods and looks at the other person

<I am T-A-E-H-Y-U-N>

Jimin smiles at him «Thank you»

He nods with a smile

"I'm Taehyung" Tae says sourly at Taehyun

He laughs "We have simualar sounding names"

"And the same nicknames" Tae sasses sourly

"Tae, baby, calm down" Kook says rubbing Tae's back

Tae shakes his head "No. We need different names"

Taehyun hums "I can go by Taetae"

Tae hums and taps Jimin's shoulder twice

She tilts her head, smiling at him

"Would that be okay??"

"You only go by that name with me"

Tae nods then sighs back at Taehyun "Okay"

He smiles widely "So are you Tae??"

Tae nods "Yup"

"Okay, Tae!! Glad we got that figured out!!"

Tae nods "Same, Taetae"

Taetae smiles at Tae and looks at Kook "Hi!! Guess I'm Taetae now!!"

Kook laughs "Yup. I'm Kookie!! With a C and a K!!"

"Hi, Kookie!!"

Kook smiles widely and looks at Yeonjun and Soobin "Hi!!"

Yeonjun smiles at him "I'm Yeonjun!!"

"I'm Soobin!!"

"Hi!!" Taekook beam

Kai claps twice and everyone looks at him. He just laughs "I brought them here today because of Kookie!!"

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