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She laughs when she gets hugged and picked up then made to stand outside the closed shower

She watches him open a cabinet behind the toilet and gets thrown a towel

She laughs while unrolling it and wrapping it tightly around her small frame

He steps behind her in his own black towel around his waist, grabs their glasses from the counter and hands a pair to Jimin who gaps "They match!!"

Yoongi nods and walks out of the door to the closet next to it

Jimin quickly follows him "How did I not notice that?!?! Why did you not tell me?!?!"

Yoongi turns around and lowers Jimin's towel then quickly dresses her and himself. He then, turns around and picks up a new set of matching black sheets then walks out of the closet

"Hyungie!! Answer!!" She whines stomping after him

He sets the sheets on his dresser, goes to the bed and clears off the condoms and black chest 'I told you before I would not tell you which glasses you where wearing because I did not want you to be baised. You did not even chose those. Kookie did. As for you not noticing. That I am not sure. Now. Please help'

She sighs and walks around the bed and helps strip it and change the sheets "So, tell me about your voice. It sounds so familiar. Just like Kai's and theirs"

'Not my place'

"Why not??"

'If you find out mine you will find out about all of theirs'

She nods "That makes sense. But, what if I figure it out by myself??"

'Would not be my doing so it would fine. Pillow case'

She throws him a pillow case while humming "You said that Hobi Hyung was a dancer but can't get students because of you"

Yoongi nods stuffing the pillow into his case

Jimin hums doing the same thing "I wonder if Kookie knows"

Yoongi shakes his head and taps on the head board 'We would have gotten told'

"Why is it a secert??"

'It just is'

"Not if I figure it out"

'You can not tell them if you do. They have to figure it out too'

She pouts and matches what Yoongi did with his pillow, putting hers against the head board "What about hints??"

'Very very few'

She nods catching a fluffy black blanket and pulling it tight with him

Yoongi walks to the door and unlocks it then opens it

She follows him out, tapping on his back 'Can I have a hint'

He shakes his head

'What. That is not is fair'

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