Did you have fun??

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Jimin locks their hands and lets Yoongi guide her

"Did you have fun, baby??"

"Yup!!" She swings their hands while skipping "I'm not sure what you did but always do that!! I love that feeling!!"

He locks the door twice and then lifts her up and puts her on top of the hood then softly closes her vagina lips over her pants while kissing her

She happily kisses back

Yoongi breaks away

"How did you know??" She whispers

"Your skipping was off. Now you can be comfortable. Also" He kisses her twice "It's called over stimulation and squirting"

She kisses him twice "Well, let's show Jin"

"Fine but you're getting punished later"

She smiles widely "Okay, Daddy"

He chuckles and lifts her up then stands her up

She locks their hands again and skips while swinging their hands again

Yoongi walks besides her "How are you boobs not hurting??"

"It's amazing how baggy clothes feel against my body"

"Well, that makes sense. Oh, just so you know. You have bumps down there from your too small underwear"

"I've felt them before"

"I covered them up. That's another reason as to why I wrote on your skin"

"You are so amazing, Yoonie"

"Thanks" He pulls the door open and Jimin skips through pulling him through

He chuckles and walks through wiping his hand off

"Bra store, right??" She asks looking around in shock



"Very end"

She pouts "So much walking"

"You know the rule"

"And you know why I haven't"

He taps on her hand 'You actually are not wet. That is why I one. Would not let you cum and two. Moved your bottoms down'

She jumps on his back and buries her face deep into his neck "I love you so, so much. You always think about everything"

He nods 'I know you like being carried and since I can not carry you when you are wet I protected both of us'

"Sweet kitty"

He nods and walks forward

"Can I use my real voice??"

'Up to you'

"Will you??"


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