What just happened??

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He does and peaks outside the door seeing two people running down the hall and stopping every time they see someone and signing

Yoongi looks at Jimin confused and knocks on the wall 'Can you understand this'

Jimin nods quickly and signs «Yes»

'Who are they and why are they running'

«Friends. They are running because they are late»

Yoongi nods and looks at the two males running to them

They stop and sign together «Where are K-I-M
N-A-M-J-O-O-N or S-E-O-K-J-I-N and J- U-N-G H-O-S-E-O-K»

'Can they hear' Yoongi asks looking at Jimin who nods

Yoongi nods and taps on the male's back 'They can hear. They must be so used to signing because of her'

The male nods "I am Kim Namjoon but please call me Joon. Why did you two run here??"

The smaller one lets out a breathe "Oh, good. We can use our vocal cords"

The taller one sighs too "Sorry. We're so used to Signing because of our best friend"

Yoongi makes a motion and both look at him. Yoongi signs Jimin's sign

"Woah!!" The smaller yells and taps on the floor 'Chim. Are you there'

Jimin runs to the door and squeezes out of it then hugs the two tightly then lets them go and goes behind them and puts her hands over the smaller male's head «K-I-M T-A-E-H-Y-U-N-G and» she places her hands on the taller male's head
«J-E-O-N J-U-N-G-K-O-O-K or» she makes a «T» on each hands and smiles widely, placing her hands on each cheek then lowers her hands, puts one flat, curls her fingers, places it on her flat hand and lifts it up

Joon nods confused "Why a cookie sign??"

Jungkook smiles widely "That's my name!! Kookie!!"

"C or K??"


Joon nods "Okay"

Jimin taps on the floor 'They are Tae and Kookie'

Joon nods "Okay. Hello, Tae--ssi and Kookie-- ssi"

Jimin shakes her head roughly

'No ssi' Yoongi taps

Joon looks at him "And you know this...... how??"

Yoongi signs Jimin's name

"A dance floor with a J"

Yoongi nods and points to Jimin

"Oh. Okay"

Tae looks at Yoongi confused "Can you read lips??"


"Are you deaf??"

Yoongi shakes his head

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