1 - An Unexpected Guest

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*knock knock*

"Excuse me? Is this the home of Eraserhead and Present Mic?"

Yamada blinks the rainwater off his face and analyzes the stranger coming to his doorstep. It's a 10 year old girl with misty blue hair and grey green eyes, shivering like mad. Everything about her seems like it's wilting. Her eyes are red and bloodshot, like she'd been crying.

"Yeah, it is, little girl," he says, squatting down. "Where are your parents?"

"Can I talk to Eraserhead?" she whispers quietly. Yamada frowns and nods. "Hey Shota! Some girl wants to see you!"

Aizawa comes to the door, rubbing his eyes. "What is it?"

"My name is Kotone," the girl whispers. "You helped me 4 years ago to find a home with Miya Okita?"

Aizawa's eyes widen in comprehension. "What happened?" he asks, worried.

"She passed away two days ago," Kotone says sadly. "I was wondering, since you helped me find a home before, you could do it again."

Aizawa exchanges a look with his husband. "Of course. Come inside, the cold rain is a terrible place to discuss something like this."

Yamada escorts the shivering girl to a table, sitting her down. "I'll make some tea," he announced, and slips away into the kitchen. Aizawa takes a seat across from the guest.

"What's your quirk?" he asks quietly. Kotone blinks, startled by the sudden question.

"I can summon dead souls," she replies.

"Would you mind showing me?"

Kotone shakes her head. "I can't. Last time I called up a soul, it felt really bad. And it's not kind to them to wake a peaceful soul from its rest in the Underworld."

Aizawa nods. "Can you at least show me one thing? Maybe of an evil one who doesn't deserve peace?"

Kotone grins and holds her palm out, concentrating. A small misty grey flame flickers to life, but instead of being hot, like normal fire, it's freezing cold.

"That's hellfire, isn't it?" Yamada asks, sipping green tea from a cup, placing two more on the table. "The burning soul of the evil ones?"

"Mhm," Aizawa agrees. "Kotone, let me talk to Hizashi real quick, okay?" Kotone nods and sips the tea.

"Aizawa, who is this?" Yamada asks. "When did you meet her?"

"About a month before we got married. But that's beside the point. Do you remember that story I told you about the girl who the heroes and I found wandering the streets?"

"The one you guys made amnesiac cause she was so traumatized?" Yamada recalls. Aizawa winces.

"Yeah, that story. Kotone is that girl. I found her a home with old lady Aiya Okita, but I guess she's dead now."

"Well," Yamada begins. "Obviously, we can't have kids-"

"Hizashi!" Aizawa says sternly. "Not this again."

"Wait, no, hear me out," Yamada says quickly. "She's got a strong quirk, right?"


"And you have that annoying savior complex, right?"


"And she's clearly traumatized, right?"


"Then that's it!" Yamada spreads his arms wide. "You gotta save this girl and train her, Shota." He grins. "And the best way to do that is to adopt her."

Aizawa groans. "Really? You think that I'm parent material?"

"Yeah! Come on, I know I may be a bit crazy, but you can do it! Besides, if things get bad, you can call Recovery Girl to babysit."

"Fine," Aizawa agrees. "We'll adopt her."


5 Years Later



Kotone walks out of the kitchen. "We're out of seaweed snacks again."

Aizawa groans from his spot on the couch. "Seriously? I need to tell Hizashi and Hitoshi to stop eating those."

A purple headed boy pokes his head out from around the corner. "Its not me, Eri wants them and I keep grabbing them for her."

"Shinso!" Kotone flies through the air and tackles her brother. "Learn to say no to the little angel!"

"You can't either!" Shinso shoots back as the two start to "fight." Eventually it dissolves into the two of them tickling each other.

"Stop stop!" Kotone shrieks. "Fine, you win!" she giggles.

"Stop you two," Aizawa calls. "'Zashi's dropping Hitoshi off at school. Kotone, I want to talk to you."

The siblings detach, Hitoshi going to grab his school bag and Kotone heading to meet her dad.

"Yeah Dad?"

"Do you still want to go to U.A?" He asks.

"Of course I do!" Kotone answers exuberantly. "Toshi always tells me of the fun he has there in the hero course, and when Mirio comes over to hang out with Eri, he seems to have fun, even being quirkless!"

Aizawa nods in understanding. "I think you're ready to graduate from homeschooling to a potential transfer."

Kotone squeals. "Really?"

Aizawa grins. "Of course. You have an amazing handle on your quirk already, and I don't think your depression is so bad that you can't be left unsupervised at night. Besides, it's good for you to interact with kids your own age. I mean, if you wanna become a hero, you need the best education I can offer."

"Amazing! When can I start?"

"Well, you need to have a rudimentary practical exam. It's my understanding that Vlad King doesn't want you..."

Kotone winces. She visited U.A. once during open house (Shinso wanted to introduce Kotone to his boyfriend, a human Pikachu. Kotone couldn't remember his name), and accidently tripped and fell on Vlad King, setting his hair on fire in surprise. They never really saw eye to eye after that.

"So Nezu has agreed to let you transfer into my class. One of my students may be expelled soon, so you'll take his spot," Aizawa finishes, sipping his tea. Kotone is nodding so much, her head looks like it's about to fall off. "When can I take the exam."

Aizawa grins. "Today. Pack your bags and your hero outfit. We leave in 5."

The Ghosts of Childhood - Fem!OC MHA InsertWhere stories live. Discover now