2 - Expulsion

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Kotone eagerly grabs her bag and hops into the shotgun seat as Aizawa slides into the driver's chair. The teen girl opens her phone and starts reading fanfiction as Aizawa curses at traffic.

"It would go a lot easier if you still had that hero car Hizashi gave you," Kotone remarks. "You could flip the siren and they would all clear away."

The grumpy homeroom teacher raises his eyebrow and stares at his daughter. "You know I hated that car. Bright yellow and overly loud in presence," he mumbles. Kotone lets out a little giggle.

"You didn't like it either!" Aizawa reminds. Kotone chuckles again. "You're right, but I wasn't laughing at you. Something was funny in my book. Don't worry about it."

Aizawa leans over and briefly sees the orange Wattpad screen.

"I swear to the skies if you're reading that Mirkoxreader thing again..." He mumbles

"No! No, why would you think that?" Kotone says quickly, closing the tab and turning her phone off, willing her cheeks to cool down the burning red arising to her face.

Aizawa chuckles. "Call Lemillion for me, will you?"

Kotone hums as she dials the number. "He was babysitting Eri last night, wasn't he?"

Aizawa nods. "Yup. Tell him to meet me by the teacher's parking gate. I have Eri's clothes for the day so she can change."

Kotone relays the information to her friend as her father pulls into U.A. Mirio arrives, holding a very excited Eri.

"Dadzawa!" The little girl cheers. "Do you have apples?"

Kotone hops out of the car before her dad can even park (despite his protests) and walks up to her little sister. "I got you apple slices and fruit gummies," she says, handing two small bags to Togata.

"Thanks a lot Koko," Mirio says affectionately. "My friends ate all the gummies last night, so Eri couldn't get any."

Kotone laughs. "Well, that's why I'm here!"

"Why are you here?" Mirio questions. "I didn't think you went to U.A, and there isn't any events today."

"Oh, I'm trying out today to see if I'm ready to take Dad's class! He said I needed to take a mock practical exam, and if I passed, I would get the spot of a student he would be expelling!"

Mirio grins. "Well, good luck," he encourages. Kotone smiles and takes a deep breath, walking past the gates of this famous institution.

Entering the campus as a prospective student was infinitely different than entering as a guest. Kotone couldn't explain it, but the possibilities overwhelmed her. She even had to pause her walking for a moment.

It seems to be a hubbub of activity before the classes started. Students milled about, the more violent ones challenging others to fights and the nerdy ones absorbed in books. As the teen scans the courtyard, she catches a glimpse of a large throng of students congregating around one particular classroom. Her father groans at the crowd.

"Idiots. Blocking the way to my classroom..." he mutters. Kotone's eyes widen. There it was! The infamous Class 1-A. A closer look confirms this inference when Kotone sees popular figures in the media, like Mina, Midoriya, Tsuyu, Kirishima, and Bakugo. It was quite easy to recognize the latter, as he was currently trying to blow Izuku's face off.

Kotone had such mixed feelings about joining this class. For one, it would mean she was one step closer to being a hero like her dad and Hizashi. On the other hand, it could be quite intimidating. After all, this class was the very one that confronted villains on a regular basis. Of course, they could always be very rude to her, assuming she was a teacher's pet, but they could also want to learn from her, since she was single handedly trained by Aizawa. That last part was the most stressful, in Kotone's opinion. She liked social interaction, but not so much to the point that she became a junior teacher!

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