3 - Roleplay and Boom

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Note - Any alternate language will be derived from GT, and some of the Japanese sayings are derived from my normal life. Also, I changed the exam cause I'm the author and I can, so the villain team is a select few and the rest of the class watches :3

New villain team is Iida, Momo, Kirishima, Mina, Uraraka, Aoyama, and Tokoyami.


Class 1-A lines up outside, with Bakugo and Kotone lines up on one end, the rest of the class on the other. Aizawa trudges behind the "villains," and sits down.

"Everything's fair game except killing. Not hits above the neck," he yawns. "Extra credit to whoever roleplays. Villain team wins if they maintain possession of the hostage for more than 15 minutes or capture both heroes into the capture cage. Heroes win if they retrieve the hostage. Exam begins now."

Iida, being Iida, takes charge as the "ringleader" and broadly gestures to the two teens.

"Well well well!" he bellows. "Foolish heroes! You have fallen into our trap. If you hope to rescue your teacher, you must get past us. All of us! MWAHAHAHAA."

Kotone watches with grim fascination. "He really gets into it."

"Yeah. Sure. It's annoying," Bakugo grunts, palms firing up. Kotone places a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't take my glory, okay?" She says warningly. "This is my test. I need to prove myself to you guys."

Bakugo huffs. "No promises, Aizawa."

"Are you too scared, Lord God Explosion Murder Dynamight and...Aizawa?" Iida thunders.

"It's Yumi, actually," Kotone teases. "That's my hero names. Means 'rebirth.' "

Bakugo watches, dumbfounded. This girl gave him a whole speech about wanting to earn her place her, but now that the rest started, all she was doing was...flirting with Iida?

Not exactly.

Sure, Kotone was keeping the class's attention. But unbeknownst to them, behind her back, Kotone was carefully summoning the faintest blue lights above her hands.

"On my signal, blast through them and retrieve Da- Aizawa-sensei," Kotone murmurs before taunting Iida.

"Oi! Are you villains so pathetic that you can only sit there to chat? Take me on, huh?"

"We are quite fine here!" Momo crows. "For without effort from you shall we manage to retain hold of the teacher!"

Everyone else on the villain team stares at Momo. What the heck did she say?

"YEAH! COWARDS!" Mina yells, high giving Uraraka. Kotone smirks and brandishes her hand, the light flashing so bright that it temporarily blinds the villain team. The teen promptly flies into the air, courtesy of small greyish blue flames near her feet.

"NOW BAKUGO!" Kotone hollars, cueing the blasty boy to fire off explosion after explosion. At the same time, Kotone rains burning souls down like fury as the "villains" scatter, avoiding the frozen fire. Only Mina and Uraraka remain, the two girls extinguishing and blocking the fire with floating debris respectively. Once the surprise attack's novelty wore off, the rest of the team returns to guard Aizawa.

Kotone deftly lands on the ground, arms aching from maintaining their control over the fire. She grins at Katsuki and promptly dives into hand to hand combat, her limbs a flurry of attacks as she strategically paralyzed Iida 's legs with some careful chi blocking. An elbow to the gut disarms Aoyama just before Momo unleashes a net that snares Kotone. Tokoyami comes in next, summoning Dark Shadow to keep the net in place. Kotone struggles a bit under the restraints, willing Katsuki to leave her and claim the objective.

That would be the Bakugo thing to do, right? Claim the glory, rub it in Kotone's face, and win the test.

But something about the way Kotone slapped him and stood her ground intimidated Katsuki. If he went on without her, Bakugo was sure that he would never hear the end of it, assuming she stayed. Nevermind that Kotone prioritized the mission over her pride, since Bakugo hardly thought about the feelings of another. No, he assumed they were all like him, with vulnerable honor that needed protecting. The difference between him and Kotone was that Bakugo used anger and violence to protect his image of being, well, angry and violent, while Kotone used a stubborn head to project a persona of patient resilience. That, Bakugo thought, merited respect. And respect meant treating Kotone as an equal. So against his better judgement, Katsuki reversed direction in the air and screamed down where Kotone lay tangled, frightening away the shadow bird and blasting the net away. The blond snatches Kotone's arm and flies high into the sky, long enough for Kotone to summon enough hellfire to hover in midair

"You idiot!" Kotone berates. "Why didn't you go after the objective?"

"It's your test right?" Bakugo cracks. "You should be able to take the honor."

Kotone scrutinizes her ally. That wasn't the Bakugo she was expecting, the angry loud and prideful blond that dominated tabloids and television. This one was considerate, to some extent. Maybe it was the Bakugo that admired strength. But nevertheless, Kotone appreciated the gesture and grinned.

"What's our strategy?"


Class 1-A watches the two in the sky, slightly confused.

"They have 10 minutes left, and they're chatting?" Mina asks, confused. Iida grumbles, massaging his calves.

"I'm out of commission for this battle," the class rep groans. "That girl's smart."

"je suis sorti aussi~" Aoyama replies, face contorted in a painful smile as he rubs his abdomen.

Tokoyami and Kirishima exchange grins. Kirishima hardens as Tokoyami unleashes Dark Shadow to a point where the spirit becomes another being.

"I can fend of Bakubro's explosions and Toko can manipulate Dark Shadow to fight Yumi, since DS is strong enough to hold off her cold fire thing. We can run down the clock or give Ochako the chance to get them into the capture cage," Kirishima explains. The others nod and split off.

"Huh. Look like they're planning something," Kotone observes, watching the quote-unquote "villains" strategize. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

The two teens share a grin as Kotone cuts off her hellfire, Bakugo grabbing Kotone by the waist and safely landing them on the ground. Kotone quickly brings little balls of will 'o wisps above her palms as she scans the empty training yard.

Suddenly, Kirishima drops from the sky, previously hidden by Dark Shadow in the darkness of the building, landing right on top of Bakugo, who promptly lets of a barge of explosions. Dark Shadow swoops in seconds later to smother Bakugo. Kotone's eyes widen at the double attack. If Tokoyami lost control of Dark Shadow, the spirit would surely kill Katsuki.

Worried for the boy's safety, Kotone turns on her heel and blasts a pillar of misty grey fire at Dark Shadow, sending the spirit shrieking away. Kotone grabs Bakugo 's arm, ignoring his protests to "end Weird Hair," and hauls him over to where Aizawa lay. Both the students lift Aizawa, transferring the teacher to Kotone as Bakugo hooks his arm around Kotone's waist again to propel them in the air above the rest of the "villains." Kotone keeps Dark Shadow at bay, blasting fireball after fireball with her free hand as the missed embers fall to the ground and raze the foot soldiers, keeping the villains distracted until the 3 reach it to the "safe zone."

Kotone was one step closer to getting into the hero program.

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