4 - Media Attack

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The kids file in silently, taking their places in the classroom. Kotone enters nervously and hurries over to Aoyama and Iida, apologizing for the bruises she gave them. Iida refuses to accept her apology, claiming it was all fair in the battle. Aoyama said some random French crap that Kotone didn't understand.

Soon, it was time for the class to vote. Each student carefully made their choice in a slip of paper and deposited it into Iida 's poll booth. It was dead silent, save for the scratches of pencil on paper.

Kotone's heart pounded in her chest. She couldn't hear anything except the blood rushing in her ears. She wasn't sure how many votes were needed for her to earn her spot, but if her treatment of Bakugo proved anything, it was that some of the class may be harder to win over. Perhaps she should have introduced herself less... aggressively. Maybe they were intimidated? What if her quirk scared them and they thought she was a villain? What if they thought she was a threat to their class rankings and tried to cut away the competition? What if, what if, what if? As the possibilities overwhelmed Kotone, she drops her forehead to her desk, trying to fight back tears. They certainly weren't going to want to share a class with a crybaby. (A/n: coughcoughdekucoughcough)

After a few tense minutes, everyone had voted, and Iida was counting the polls. Kotone waits with bated breath. She felt like she was breathing hard, feeling her chest heave, but she was fairly certain it was in her head, as the teen didn't hear the huffs.

"Do not hyperventilate, Aizawa," a soft voice says from Kotone's right. She turns her head to see a gentle boy with heterochromatic eyes and peppermint colored hair.

"You got my vote, and I know my friends voted for you," he continues. "We admire you, and those we admire deserve their spot in our class."

Kotone's eyes widen. These people were so much more open minded then she thought, and their kindness surprised her.

"Thanks. I was really worried that I scared y'all or something, so that means a lot to me," she replies hastily. The boy nods.

"My name is Todoroki Shoto. Give me a call if you need it. My friends and I will be happy to help you assimilate." Todoroki hands Kotone a slip of paper and returns to his seat. Kotone unfolds it to see a list of number with names. Some she recognizes, like Shoto, but others she didn't, like Asui. Nevermind. It felt nice that Kotone could have some friends if she stayed.

"The votes have been tallied!" Iida announces. Kotone snaps to attention, holding her breath as Iida writes something on the blackboard. The suspense was too much. How could the Turbo Hero write so slowly? Kotone bites her fist, trying to stem the stress.

Iida turns around with the big grin. Kotone cranes her head to see, but Dark Shadow (who has suddenly inflated in excitement) is so big, she can't see around it. What happened?

"YES!" Deku cheers from his seat. The girls are on their desks and partying as Kirishima and Denki make their way to Kotone with huge grins on their faces. Oblivious, Kotone stands up to read the board.

For a second, Kotone didn't understand. Then she did. The votes in her favor were 100%. She would be attending U.A.

Kotone lets out a huge whoop of relief and joy. She was one step closer to being a hero. As Kiri and Denki reach her, she squeals and hugs them.

"You're the best!"


The next day, Kotone wakes up in her house. Eager to begin her first day, she grabs her bag and changes into the U.A. uniform. She kisses her dad on the cheek, giving Hizashi a light hug before patting Eri's head.

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